so our neighborhood is shaped roughly like this: O-O. there's two basically loops, though streets do branch off (mostly streets with no outlet), connected by one (and only one) short street
today someone near that short street was having a party, I guess, and a whole line of cars was parked along it
not to be that cantankerous bitch, but I genuinely do not think you should be allowed to park on that street
yeah, there is technically another way, but you'd need to turn around, exit the neighborhood by making one of two possible very shitty unprotected left turns and come in the other entrance
but this design means a lot of people need to drive down this road in both directions and having one side of it completely blocked is a real issue (and no, it is not wide enough for a lane going both directions and a line of parked cars)
also there are no driveways or entrances to houses on that street either, (the houses all face the two longer streets this short one connects), so I definitely think it was intended that no one park there