Frozen Time
[myst] now that Artfight is over I am finally returning to this
Frozen Time
in cedarwood, have discovered the book back to Myst, the blue page, a message from Sirrius near theblue page reminding me I can only bring back one page and no red page yet
Frozen Time
probably I should bring back the blue page and then come back for the red page because my stance on the brothers remains that I trust neither but trust Sirrus even less but I like figuring out them both first
Frozen Time
Oh, here we go, there's a path on the other side of the elevator
Frozen Time
ok, there's the red page, time to grab the blue and leave
Frozen Time I have located a white page
well, you have about 1/2 a white page
Frozen Time
no I mean I followed those directions and got a white page for it
Frozen Time
I went digging through the burnt bookshelf for a book it might go to and found a book showing me how to input numbers in the fireplace, which I guess I must have overlooked when I dug through the bookshelf previously
ohhhh, the white page.
Frozen Time
hmm. when I found a book showing me how to input numbers somewhere, I figured it would be related to the imager because I've been told to input the number of marker switches into the imager and haven't found how, but putting in the number eight or any of the numbers on the pinned up imager settings page have yielded anything
Frozen Time
Frozen Time
unless the imager is not the device next to that settings page
Frozen Time
I have found the music puzzle in the space ship
Frozen Time
I do not like it
your theories mostly fall in places on the spectrum between correct and incorrect
Frozen Time
Frozen Time
ok, fourth blue page acquired and brought back to Myst, let's see what happens when I give it to Achenor
Frozen Time
fifth, actually, I guess, there was a page in Myst, too
Frozen Time
Oh that's what's up with the fireplace
Frozen Time
ok well before I do that I'll go get that red page from the spaceship and see what Sirrus has to say
Frozen Time
Oh shit Atrus ain't dead
Frozen Time
ok, I gave him the white page, he went and burned the red and blue books and then came back and told me I'm free to explore while blatantly hinting at a sequel and. is that it. nothing seems different on Myst...
Frozen Time
...finally figured out how to work the imager........
that's the end yep
one of four
it's not a traditionally structured game, it's more about exploring than achieving a grand finale
you can technically beat it in like 2 minutes
Frozen Time
I'm just used to endings leading to, y'know. credits.
Frozen Time
Other three endings achieved.
Frozen Time
I have Officially Experienced Myst.
now to play Riven
which is lauded as a fantastic game and is also notably WAY harder than Myst
inadequate tits