[health/venting in general] my doctor's office is dumb
so i was supposed to go in for my birth control shot today and called to be like hey i have a migraine can i reschedule
and they were like well we don't have any appointments tomorrow, and that's the last day in this cycle
i was like well i've had it late before with no ill effects, and i don't mind taking a pregnancy test if you need me to
and they were like no if you don't get it today we have to put the dosage back and you have to see your PCP for your shot and she's not available until october
which like... ???
my last pcp was able to give it to me late i just had to take a pregnancy test if i was late so i don't?? weird system
also mcdonald's was closed and so was the boba place so i didn't even get to get a treat after