December 10th
Okay so, when I can I am... Well, with Leo warning Donnie about Aunamee he may ask Ray about that. But also, hm. Post about Monster Census or Fog forms?
December 10th
both are ideas that would gnaw at Donnie, although the fog forms came up while he was slime and he suffered hard from slime brain.
Usagi census is neat at least, idk that many ever bring that forward icly...
December 10th
Also Donnie loves Data collecting, he has just the purest intentions! Which is he just wants to know how many of each monster there are around.
yeah! so like
idk my votes on census it'd be neat :0a
plus with the way Ryslig IS, I feel like more rather than less would be interested; cause like

It could change SO FAST
December 10th
what's the census post plan?
December 10th
honestly it's just either Donnie proposing finding a way to figure out how many of each monster there is without relying on the network, because not everyone uses it, or him just going "Yeah so... What monster are you?"
December 10th
haven't quiet figured out which way to take it.
December 10th
December 10th
but I can also see it going pear shaped because, we've got our wary types who might think it's a bad idea which I am all for anyone calling it out for that.
... this is very self-indulgent but now i kinda want a fog form census post specifically so i can have doppio get in there and say "i don't have one"
go go go(blin).
You could do two in one, unless you're planning on doing the other later
December 10th
I was thinking of doing two in one yeah.
December 10th
just my problem is making it cohesive
go go go(blin).
Maybe manticore deception brain tries to present it as a "correlation" thing, if some monsters are more likely to have a fog form? But really he just wants both
December 10th
ooooh niceee
December 10th
Goblin coming in with big brain idea