Aww Lookit the babies
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They both donโ€™t lol?
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actually thats probably more accurate fhdskj
juliette lives
Oh poor Ahsoka lmao
juliette lives
how many times a day is she just like NO we are not doing your plan
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also yall think about how the old jedi masters are out there on these far off distant rocks while the ones who were like teenagers when the purge happened are out there fucking shit up for the empire. i know they had their reasons, and probably news of survivors didnt get to them so far out but still
Look if I was some Big Old and I survived the purge I would just want to take a nap for a hundred years
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i know they said they want to keep game canon its own entity but i hope cal meets other survivors that aren't
1. evil
2. someone who betrays him
3. someone that dies
Cal deserves a nice experience as a treat
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there's a total chance that they could've run in or worked sort of parallel to the ghost crew ... idk exact timelines but i think they're uh pretty close
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obi-wan and cal had opportunity and it hurts me that we wonโ€™t see it
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this is where i wish i was more into fic writing because i absolutely want that, instead of getting to indentured servitude planet, cal gets found by obi wan
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now he has to deal with his demons, watch out for luke and raise this traumatized baby jedi
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Obi-Wan does not have enough spoons for this.
I just have my fingers crossed that maybe we get quinlan in the third game. Since heโ€™s working with the path
I headcanon cal got lessons from him too when he was an initiate
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probably had to have some special training for that since nobody else knew jack shit about his ability
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and GOSH someone brought it up on tumblr and the idea has haunted me ever since, but how early do we think the psychometry developed? i kind of headcanon cal has no childhood memories of his own before being taken to the jedi since they're so wrapped up in echoes
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i did not mean to derail this plurk with cal kestis pain train but uh... choo choo bitches
โœฟ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ข๐˜ฃ๐˜บ๐˜จ๐˜ช๐˜ณ๐˜ญ.
i definitely hc that the psychometry freaked his family out bc how does the child keep knowing things????
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yeaaah. like there's something definitely... not normal about this kid, here. but its like what do you even do when you dont know what it is? or why it happens?? but the jedi say they can help, so....
God same thing. I think his very early years even the first couple that he was at the temple are a mess. He doesnโ€™t always know what is him and what is not. Plus at least according to the wiki echoes can give you seizures if youโ€™re not trained
Though to back track a bit to cal and Obi-wan. Have you ever read the fic โ€˜there is no deathโ€™?
It involves Cal getting killed by Vader at the end of FO and his mind going back in time to when he was an initiate and he cons his way into becoming Obi-wanโ€™s padawan so he can try and fix all the bad shit before it happens. Not quite the Obi wan interaction I think you were suggesting but itโ€™s a very fun fic
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ooh i have not read it but i'm always on the hunt for fic! sounds like it could be wild
Lemme get a link! Itโ€™s one of my favs
Itโ€™s the only fabric Iโ€™ve ever done fanart of too
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thank you, i know i'm staying up tonight!!
Cal is full on gremlin mode at times itโ€™s great
juliette lives
gently collects all the jfo/survivor players
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you're collecting all the cals like thanos collecting the infinity stones
I initially played cal only myself for forever but recently I took up Dagan and bode to have a chance at more interaction since I havenโ€™t seen either of them about much lol
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cal is new-ish for me and its entirely thanks to juliette lives that i'm yet again stuck in star wars hell
juliette lives
Thalia : if you've been on tfln recently I probably tagged u with merrin!
juliette lives
Corie it's your fault I even played these games to begin with
juliette lives
you liked Cal and I was like oh I GUESS I should play this shit finally since there are a few of them in games I'm in
juliette lives
I didn't know Survivor was going to drop and become my whole personality!
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juliette lives : .... i guess so. still i didnt expect it to become my entire personality, i enjoyed the first one when i played it. and then you streamed the 2nd game for me and ohhhh okay OKAY.

also Thalia is the dagan player!!
juliette lives
juliette lives
I might come bother u on the Folkmore TDM
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now i only live for the day when i can play survivor for myself
I also played bode with the disaster tits
juliette lives
wheeze I loved that tiny interaction
juliette lives
Merrin just like shrug, it happens
juliette lives
ask me how I got my speeder
Didnโ€™t have much time to do too much tfln last week but your Merrin was a delight
juliette lives
she and Trilla have consumed my soul and honestly I'm this far from making a Cal too because gotta catch em all
The more accounts you have the more options for interaction you get
Literally why I made the two dark boyos
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if you pull out cal i guess i will fix up the merrin journal i made like forever ago lol
The Dagan so far has been the more entertaining
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I should throw Luke at everyone. >>;
Year of the Cat
I'm SO making my parents watch the "movie version" of the FO games when we're done with so they too can FEEL THE PAIN.
Year of the Cat
Mom will watch it purely for Cameron Monaghan since she loved him in Shameless, so she knows anything with him in it is good.
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muahahaha tho movie version? of like the cutscenes?
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you know i watched s1 of it ages ago and i liked it but i think i wound up getting distracted like i do with all tv shows
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but i had a big thang for emmy rossum and still kind of do actually
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dont ask me how many times i've watched the phantom of the opera movie
Year of the Cat
Yep! I know my parents and they're NOT gonna sit through a true play-through of the game cause they'll get bored, so cutscene movie version it is!
Year of the Cat
Ahhhhhhh Emmy Rossum!!! She's amazing in it too. The makeup lead said it was actually really hard to make her look trashy cause she's so naturally beautiful, so the most they could really do was put on some mascara and no other makeup, do her hair a little unflattering, and call it a day.
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thats cool, i might do that for a canon review!
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lmao yeah that sounds about right haha... maybe i'll give it another shot... eventually. i'm bad at keeping up with shows, even when i enjoy them