is it normal to feel grief about the loss of completely relatable objects you were probably never going to use again anyway. asking for a friend.
so we're moving and we've got a nice shiny new shipping container to pack full of stuff. we also have an old one that's been sitting off outside for years full of stuff in storage we didn't have room for in the house since our house is tiny
when my little sister and i got too big to be sharing the bunk bed we'd had as kids and had to go to separate single beds, our tiny room got even tinier, and i had to put almost all of my books into storage
well we're sorting out that shipping container now since we're moving to figure out what we're repacking to take with us and what we're tossing, and dad brought in my boxes of books today
and they're damp and mouse eaten and the boxes are full of mouse shit and piss stains and cobwebs and dead bugs and that's already emotionally distressing enough,
but some books were totally beyond saving and i'm going to have to throw them away and even though they're mostly all just paranormal YA romance my teen self liked that i would have never thought about or read again i'm so sad. i'm so so sad. i'm crying again typing about this. i can't stop being sad.
no that's completely normal
flops into your lap im still so sad about this. about losing the shitty lauren kate fallen angel books that i thought were bad even as a fourteen year old
also i realise my top comment says relatable and not replacable. gdi
pets you across my lap
any other name
oh no yeah that is totally distressing. my mom had a bunch of my books stored in an outside storage area and they got all chewed up by packrats and I was so upset even though I probably didn't want to keep them and move them across the country