I thought that maybe people didn't like this how they didn't like The Last Jedi, and that maybe I'd like it the way I liked that film, but they're mostly right. This installment is pretty meh. Weak villain, weak plot, weak side-characters.
I would have liked it more if they cut down on the long meandering chase scenes (the cold open is 20 minutes long and could have easily been 5) and used that time to establish Waller-Bridge's character more, and given more time to Karen Allen.
If they'd established a better rapport between Helena and Indy at the start, set up the conflict more, I feel the payoff at the end would have hit harder.
And if they'd done more with Karen Allen at the beginning, shown how bad things had gone after Mutt died, maybe the decision to stay in the past would have made more sense. And if they'd done the set up with the god daughter, maybe the punch to bring him back would have landed more with the audience.
Ep 5 of Dead City. We're already back to everyone-dies-in-this-one. Not sure why I'm still watching this. Just really like the leads.