duck bastard
[victory road] doing an update on which of Dimitri's pokemon are what level lmao
duck bastard
mostly for level 100
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- Dean the Emboar
- most of the battling Rat Army
- Grindy the Kingler
- Elshot the Pidgeot
- Shuck the Lycanroc
- Gwin the Altaria
- Gabby the Miltank
- Fraldariend the Galarian Rapidash
- Ellylon the Sirfetch'd
- Ciannwn the Silvally
- Demoiselle the Nidoqueen
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- Windmill the Dragapult
- Diawl the Dubwool
- Tywi the Hisuian Typhlosion
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and then a bunch in the 90s
- Mononoke the Hisuian Zoroark
- Recce the Watchog
- Maelor the Pangoro
- Hafren the Alolan Marowak
- Imbolg the Morpeko
- Silkie the Indeedee
- Julian the Vivillon
- Agnes the Kangaskhan
- Galloway the Pyroar
- Donna the Mudbray
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- Karimala the Lapras
- Kent the Munna
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- oh right Fowi the Luxray lmao
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finally, wrapping things up in the 80s, since I'm figuring things out for Elite Battles lmao
- Anglia the Audino
- Lavellan the Nidoking
- Hugo the Chestnaut
- Santa the Obstagoon
- Martlet the Talonflame
- Knight Shift the Perrserker
- Emmaline the Gyarados
- Laurel the Swanna
- Tarasque the Trapinch
- Troy the Mimikyuu
duck bastard
steeples fingers....
duck bastard
my considerations for Dimitri's battle for the Soul Badge
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gremlin and dean are basically dimitri's eternal teammates, so that leaves four slots available
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comes back to this to think aloud as i ponder over the various challenges with Janine's team
duck bastard
- Crobat's biggest challenge is being a speedy heal bastard who won't let switching happen
- Weezing is Assurance and Destiny Bond
- Toxicroak is Swagger and confusion potential
- Drapion is a Physical heavy hitter
- Arbok has a variety of status effects
- Venomoth is all about stun, or sleep, or anything else
duck bastard
Venomoth is the biggest danger for those status effects alone lmao
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while Drapion and Toxicroak feel like the easiest to handle
duck bastard
so we'll figure that out this weekend