PT: "hey, i'd like to make a booking for a prostate scan?" Me: "sure, we can do that! what kind of scan was that for?" PT: "for the prostate" Me: "...okay, yes, what kind of scan was that? can you read out the exam request for me?" PT: "it doesn't say, it just says prostate"
PT: "i just want to make an appointment" Me: "I would love to make you one, but you've only told me the body part we're doing the scan on, you haven't told me the type of scan we are performing. does it say US, or MRI or CT?" PT: "it just says spot for prostate, why can't you book me in?"
Me: "...because we have multiple types of scans we can do for the prostate, so we need to know which specific scan the doctor is asking for" PT: "i'll just bring the referral in, this is ridiculous" Me: Me: "sure, you do that"
If you have standard referral sheets it might be helpful to just make them read out loud the line the information should be on // if not have them read out loud the entire sheet
I know over been jnable to identify what the receptionist needed before because referral sheets are full of nonsensical seeming letters and numbers sometimes
"can you please read out exactly what it says in the exam request section? it might be called the requested test, is there anywhere that says US, U-slash-S, USG, MRI anywhere on the referral?"
Me: "sure, we can do that! what kind of scan was that for?"
PT: "for the prostate"
Me: "...okay, yes, what kind of scan was that? can you read out the exam request for me?"
PT: "it doesn't say, it just says prostate"
Me: "I would love to make you one, but you've only told me the body part we're doing the scan on, you haven't told me the type of scan we are performing. does it say US, or MRI or CT?"
PT: "it just says spot for prostate, why can't you book me in?"
PT: "i'll just bring the referral in, this is ridiculous"
Me: "sure, you do that"