was watching a video about quantum computing. It seems there is a quantum application developed that might be capable of predicting the next Carrington Event. The last Carrington Event was in 1859. If we have another one, the entire planet earth will have a total black out. (thinking)
Flares seem to be random...
What’s the date?
hopefully not exactly all. US, UK, RF and PRCs electric grid systems were built to withstand nuclear exchange
what sort of warning we’d get.
Lemongrass : I don't know. I don't think they've quite figured out who to run the application yet.
Actually, several years ago, a Carrington scale event took out Stereo B - we'd never have known it had happened if Stereo B hadn't been there. We don't know how often events on that scale occur, because we haven't been able to monitor events on the far side of the Sun from Earth for more than a total of ~10 years.
most major industrial nations are aware of the risk and have mitigation plans in place. The main threat is blown transformers, which can be mitigated simply by having redundant, off-line spares in place that can be used to re-start the grid if it goes down entirely. It is also likely that we would have 24-48 hrs' warning that an Earth-directed
event had occurred, allowing preventive measures to be taken, e.g. disconnecting some transformers that are at higher risk. There would certainly be disruption to power supplies but not long term.
satellites, however, might fail in droves, and survivors might have their on-board propellant supplies depleted, shortening their functional life-time. Rail travel would also be disrupted, even if not electrically powered.
Having worked for the phone company, business continuity tests were run every year. It wasn’t as easy as flipping on a switch. Reloading huge databases and ensuring the information was correct is a huge undertaking.
switching transformers wouldn't be as easy as flipping a switch, either, the more so if the entire grid has shut down.