Anyone want to go on a pretty big podcast with me? They're looking for someone who makes a living from SL content. DM if interested. Must be good at RL voice interviews and be prepared for kinky questions -- the show is Two Girls, One Pod.
Gogo ♔
is a sexy voice
sure I will
my SL partner would be great for this, she is a content creator and a sex worker in SL
Glitter Waifu is her name, SL is her full time job and she has been in SL since 2004
How about someone who mentions what RL custom software development costs in $L/hr when someone offers to pay $L10000 for a scripting job?
Max Graf
I would really enjoy it, but even though I made a full time living living in here for a number of years I have not been making that for a long time.
Max Graf
Still operating, however.
I second Max!
With all respect to Max, as someone who is fascinated with the SL economy, I'd personally rather hear from a woman. On the basic level, it would be more representative, since Hamlet's a man...
And on a more topical level, I suspect that the demographic of people earning RL money in SL skews female and probably does so for reasons relating to a mix of RL economic circumstances (like the fact that women still bear primary childcare responsibilities) and SL circumstances (where else are two of the main "careers" fashion design and escorting?).
(And by "woman," I mean in RL. I don't care if they use a male avie.)
I just have the feeling that hearing two dudes talk about SL content when there are probably more — and perhaps far more — women creating in SL would not be an accurate reflection of the economic landscape.
...and what makes SL unique in that way.
: really good points! I think the percentage of female creators must be very high - I work with a ton of creators and the majority of them are women. Also, all of the event organizers I can think of off the top of my head are women as well.
, thanks! And of course, I'm not trying to undercut any of the great male designers in SL, but for a podcast that will be heard outside of the SL community, it would probably be smartest to find ways to avoid allowing it look like a boys' club, as "games" (which I don't consider SL to be, but YMMV) are often understood to be.
Max Graf
I was not offering to represent the economic landscape, to be representative of the average store owner, promote any male agenda or exclude anyone. I simply responded to the conditions that were sought after, someone who makes a full time living in SL. That was all that was asked for. Over 17 years in SL with my brand is what I responded with.
Max Graf
Thats not to say I disagree with
either, I just needed to clarify why I put my name out there. In any case, I am certain Hamlet will make a good decision for the right reasons.
Max Graf
Should be a good podcast, no matter what.
Max Graf
, I didn't think you were doing any of that... I know how progressive and gender-conscious you are! But when your name came up, it hit me how differently two men would sound on this topic compared to a man and a woman, and how it could affect the scope of the conversation. You could never be the bad guy to me.
Gogo ♔
: you are an excellent writer! Just wanted to say that.
Gogo ♔
, thanks!
Max Graf
I am so glad
: did it! Wise choice!
Valentina E.
oh fun - will you post the link when it goes live? I'd love to listen to it