TLDR spoilers -- Kichou saw the future and that people (especially the trans community) were very quick to give up their lives for no reason and didn't value themselves, so he believed if the Sengoku era was prolonged then it would force only people like Nobunaga who would do anything to keep fighting and pick themselves up after unbelievable torture etc.
Though if he pushed Kichou overboard, Kichou would probably crawl back up and try to spike his tea coffee and leave a note like "Is that all you have? Saito did worse in my sleep :V"
Literally coin flip on whether Saito Dosan or Reginald was a worse father and Nobunaga still says "Saito" without blinking because he never sold his kids into slavery just sort of BOUGHT them instead
They'd probably be friends once Kichou became convinced that they can't affect their timeline from the ship and Klaus got over the "I HATE YOU" reaction
He just tries to tell Klaus how to control Nobunaga and Klaus is like, "I already know how to do that. I told you to tell me something I don't know. Not something I know
He wouldn't tell him, just hint and make sure Klaus picked up on it But also probably help set up Klaus' hair and makeup to make Nobuanga smack into walls because it'd be funny
Possibly suggest weird intimate things to max sadism at Klaus and/or if he gets a beat on how much he could get away with at that point REALLY tick Nobunaga off
Ieyasu is headdesking in the background of my head like "wouldn't a regular lady's attendant have been better??? No wait u don't want to encourage him "
: I was gling to link you the thread in where Nobunaga did the same thing with Mitsuhide he always does with Hiroe of setting up the perfect trap and then just... calmly walking into it because it's too late to back out
Nobunaga: oi
teacoffeeBut also probably help set up Klaus' hair and makeup to make Nobuanga smack into walls because it'd be funny
I was going to suggest a PSL thread with an excuse for Nobunaga to disguise himself as a maid but I couldn't think of oneAnd then trying to order Mitsuhide to stay alive
Oda: but none will do it so dashingly!!
Mitsuhide; so you admit I'm dashing :V
Oda: only to certain demographics
Oda: .... o_< child....