Another storm. Power's out and stuck at home, but we're okay for now. We'll see what happens

holy shit

let up, weather!!

Turtle Soup
oh my. stay safe

Meow Knight
Nooo! I'm sending good vibes and wishes your way!

Just stay safe, fremb

We got our road cleared, the electric company cleaned the main roads, so I came in, showered at the gym, and made it into work, and crews have already restored power to 1000 people after like 1200 were out in our county

so fingers crossed we'll have power back by this afternoon

I sincerely wish I had gotten a picture of our neighbor's kids' swingset that got flipped upside down and EMBEDDED in the ground

straight up V

that and the baby bird my sister found on the ground seem to be the only big issues otherwise

she scooped up said baby and is rushing it to her sister-in-law, who handles orphaned birds, cuz the tree the baby came out of...uh, kind of doesn't exist anymore

I left Norman with a fan plugged into a battery that'll last a solid day and a big bowl of water, so he'll be all right, and now we know our freezers will keep for at least 27 hours

I am...somewhat banged up from clearing trees, sore muscles, a tweaked neck, and some gnarly scratches on my foot, but all of it will heal