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it's a surprisingly stormy morning here and I'm aiming for a bit more productivity today. might get to icons today if I can keep myself from getting distracted with gaming. though at the same time it was nice yesterday to just kind of mindlessly chill for a couple hours. not gonna say anything and jinx myself, just take the day as it comes
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dark and stormy again so hopping off the pc just to be safe. did get a tag each done for Mara and Bri so feeling good about that
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besides it's still plenty early (despite it feeling way later because of how dark it's been all day)
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the cat has decided to join me because it's thundering (he hates thunder and loud rain, even more than fireworks) so it seems only fair I move to where he can lay by me
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ugh servers and IB are painful this afternoon
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wellllll guess I'm done playing D2 since servers just got taken down
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2 of 4 pinnacles isn't horrible, even if the games have been
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/grumble grumble