How to regain the confidence of a child? 這禮拜, 我當助教. 午餐時, 我問孩子們的未來夢想. 忽然, with hope and confidence in their eyes, 他們快樂的告訴我未來計畫. Looking at their innocent and happy faces, 我被提醒, why 我呢麼擔心不快樂 when I grew up? 聖經說: 該像小孩, following God with a child's simple and firm faith. 這是上帝祝福的guarantee. Hi, I'm Eleanor violinist.
這禮拜, 我當助教. 午餐時, 我問孩子們的未來夢想. 忽然, with hope and confidence in their eyes, 他們快樂的告訴我未來計畫. Looking at their innocent and happy faces, 我被提醒, why 我呢麼擔心不快樂 when I grew up? 聖經說: 該像小孩, following God with a child's simple and firm faith. 這是上帝祝福的guarantee.
Hi, I'm Eleanor violinist.