Closure of the submarine deathpod Uda ketemu pecahan landing gear dan glass windownya. Most likely karena rakitan homemade bikinnya pake karbon fiber, di kedalaman deep jelas gak sanggup nahan water pressure dan pecah
'The Logitech F710 controller is a popular games console accessory which wirelessly connects to gaming consoles and PCs.
The relatively cheap £33 ($42) controller has become a focal point of the technology on the Titan since videos of the company CEO using it were posted online.'
gw denger berita di pagi ini: karena tekanan dalam air di kedalaman tersebut sekitar 300-400x tekanan di atas permukaan air, bisa dibilang bahasa awam yg paling mendekati adalah... telor dikepal trus digencet sampe pecah
Closure of the submarine deathpod Uda ketemu pecahan landing gear dan glass windownya. Most likely karena rakitan homemade bikinnya pake karbon fiber, di kedalaman deep jelas gak sanggup nahan water pressure dan pecah
The relatively cheap £33 ($42) controller has become a focal point of the technology on the Titan since videos of the company CEO using it were posted online.'