Year of the Cat
So my laptop charging port went out AGAIN. Texted the guy I used last time, he's coming tomorrow to pick it up and fix it.
Year of the Cat
My dad was like "AGAIN???" and I was a bit like that too but it's an 8 year old laptop. The fact the charging port is the ONLY thing which has gone out three times and the V key sticks sometimes is astounding.
Year of the Cat
Also, a pick-up/drop-off tech service for fixing computers is an ingenious idea really.
Year of the Cat
I thought it was sketchy at first until I saw all the good reviews he got and then I realized it was a brilliant idea.
Year of the Cat
So until it dies I'm gonna try to keep getting some tags done!
𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝔸𝕔𝕖
...pick up and drop off, hunh. (thinking)
Year of the Cat
juuvi: Fingers crossed!
Year of the Cat
𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝔸𝕔𝕖 : Yep! Like DoorDash for tech issues. (LOL)
𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝔸𝕔𝕖
That is such a good idea.
Year of the Cat
Alright, since it's not a rush job this time he said it will probably be a couple of days. At least when I get it back I can shower you all with tags cause I got them all written up in a Google Doc just before it lost power last night!
Year of the Cat
Still no update on my laptop but that's to be expected. On the plus side, I've had enough time to clean up around the house like I haven't in a while! My room looks SO MUCH BETTER without a bunch of crap on the floor.
Year of the Cat
On the downside, Loki smashed my card holder to bits when he knocked it down, the little asshole, so I need to find a new one.
Year of the Cat
Texted the guy tonight since he's had it for four days after saying it would take him "a couple of days" to fix. No response. Getting a tiny bit nervous....
Year of the Cat
But then I have no idea how many other projects he may have had on his plate, so he might just be busy. He is only a one-man operation after all.
Year of the Cat
Yay, he texted me today to say it's done! He'll drop it off either today or tomorrow!
Vincent Gogh