Using the Timely Focus accessory isn’t foolproof, your ass can still get run over and the window isn’t huge, but the timing on perfect blocks and dodges can be just tight enough it’s worth the accessory slot, it feels.
But there’s gonna be a stretch of the game at the start where you don’t have it so I expect one will learn other strategies for dealing with things before obtaining it
Given the end of the Eikonic Challenge I think it's VERY likely that you are going through this entire section in the main game with only Phoenix Style
But it still feels very rad to just get up into an enemy’s face and bounce back and forth between blocking everything they throw and keep pummeling them in the face
Because every time you perfect block with it, the three hit combo it triggers resets so I’ve had some parts where it’s just gone on into like a ten+ hit combo
: so hey we talked about how Clive likely only has Phoenix at the Eikonic Challenge in the actual story. Do you think he only has access to the first two abilities too or do you think he’ll maybe have Heatwave then.
Titanic Block is some SHIT once you start getting it down.
You can also see me fucking it up and getting flattened here but
"but what if you had TWO"
I’m gonna do something.