Fifty Shades of Whey on Twitter
A massive section of I-95 in Philadelphia has collapsed after a huge tanker caught fire. This is a logistical nightmare that will take a long time to fix and affect a lot of daily commuters.
Happened here a few years ago it didn’t take too long to get fixed surprisingly
In Philadelphia's case they may as well issue a citywide work-from-home order lol
Oh...fudge. Thankfully I'm currently stuck at home, and the only tickets I have are for October. I imagine I can find an alternative route? Maybe this area has like 4 major roads.
Oh my.
That's rough. Two years of detours, for sure.
traffic fun
Broccoli Smoke
Maybe it's because the world goes through Atlanta but they worked around the clock after a crackhead burned down a 92 foot section of 85 in the middle of the city. One of the most used roads in America. Only took 44 days.
Broccoli Smoke
It was three of the sections. Philly only lost one.
Wow, impressive work! I guess it depends on how they're going to tackle it.
Broccoli Smoke
You can't just shut down the main road to the world's busiest airport for too long.
Broccoli Smoke
No jail for the man who started the fire, just two years of drug rehab.