"Okay, so on tyres everyone is on soft apart from the two Red Bulls. So that's Max in P1 and Perez down in P11. And the two cars starting from the pitlane. Leclerc starting on hards and Sargant on mediums as well. Everyone else around us soft."
"Tyre management was looking very good before, so yeah, we can pick up the pace a touch." "I'm happy with management at the moment. Let's keep the lift and coast as it is."
"OK mate, so that is P8. P8. Well done. That was not the easiest one, that." "Copy that, yeah. Not the easiest but plenty for us to learn there, guys, I think. Very good weekend in the whole. But yeah, more to come in the race." "Yeah, absolutely."
還在懷疑Esteban是不是睡過頭上班啦我還以為會像2年前被逼著講西班牙語 主持人放過他太可惜啦而以車輛狀況來說Arthur在F3時期的的車隊prema這幾年都在前三名車隊跑,F2加盟的DAMS則屬於中游車隊
到底在幹嘛Esteban跟Lance分別跟對面的Fernando跟Max碰拳後 Esteban比了兩次3的手勢 把太陽眼鏡摘下來給對方看的對象應該是Fernando 有個瞬間抓到前傾的那個人影 戴的鴨舌帽應該是AM西班牙限定橘色那頂 結案🔍"I'm happy with management at the moment. Let's keep the lift and coast as it is."
用力到那個擋線的激進程度有個瞬間我真的蠻怕要出事的!!!上一場能看到他倆一起上頒獎台這場能看到上場沒能看到的攻防我已滿足😌當然啦車隊積分相同賽車手積分也才差幾分完全沒必要讓老闆不開心🤣"Copy that, yeah. Not the easiest but plenty for us to learn there, guys, I think. Very good weekend in the whole. But yeah, more to come in the race."
"Yeah, absolutely."
真要說覺得Esteban擋Fernando那一下擋得還比Yuki擋周來得要激進吧"Good fight with Fernando, as usual." 天啊Esteban說這句話時那表情那肢體語言
讓我真心覺得Esteban對上Fernando的時候的競爭意識大概是1.5倍吧但接著下一句看起來應該是樂在其中的 吧 希望之後Alpine能迎頭趕上給我更多攻防😌必須對於他沒有火上澆油表示感謝然後後面晃來晃去的Esteban也太搶戲🤣行走的表情包稱號當之無愧🤨
更新:在賽後秀聽周說他們undercut了所有人所以回頭來看AR的換胎策略 軟胎-硬胎-硬胎真的是獨樹一格 也回收了很好的成果😳
用古怪小表情溝通的Lance跟Esteban🥰 以及蛤搞啥朋友當然是這樣交流的不然咧的Lance🤨🙄
然後為了試探對方到底是不是Mercedes車迷(還是沒搞清楚但今天心情蠻好的)就誇了一下Mercedes的研發成果 結果話題被導向了Ferrari的悲劇正賽速度?!??
好吧下次再來找到啦在我的推特列表上引起軒然大波的SkyTV講評 但我的免疫已經到了某種程度只覺得這兩面性很可愛🤗