is snapchat still relevant? the fuck?
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i literally hadnt heard anyone use snapchat in years, but apparently they pay creators well over there!
the last breaths of a dying platform I guess
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so the reason is that they pay out better than youtube and tiktok doesnt really pay unless they're sponsored by a brand
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it'll be weird if they manage to revive itself
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but i think also with the fact that tiktok might be banned in the US, as well as ig just being a fucking nightmare app guess it makes some sense
antler queen
I never once looked at snapchat
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my cousin tried to get me in on it back when it first became a thing, but i quit after like 2 days
I downloaded it but only used it like twice
I didn't even know you could follow people that weren't your friends on there
according to the comments, Snapchat is still alive and well in the UK
also twitter is about to get banned in parts of Europe