note to self: set a timer and stick to it when diving into didney game
it was noon when I started! Somehow it's now 5pm!
and I have done zero of the other things i was going to do today like y'know, RP
𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑗𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑦 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑒
definitely know that feeling
hello ^._.^🍓
which game is it?
Disney Dreamlight Valley
real easy to lose time to (mostly just trying to figure out the dingdang controls)
(pretty sure they're designed for a game controller and just had mouse/keyboard controls pasted on last minute)
(also trying to figure out how feeding multiple squirrels doesn't count towards my 'feed a critter' goal)
oh, bc it has to be the first time I feed them for the day, that makes sense I guess? (I've been trying not to look things up but that one was bothering me)
hello ^._.^🍓
ooooh yeah i have that on the ps4 and when i was playing lost a good few days to it....
hello ^._.^🍓
i need to set that upand go back.
hello ^._.^🍓
also the feeding thing. it has to be the same color. sadly.
hello ^._.^🍓
i mean, if you are collecting them
haven't gotten that far yet!
it's just a 'feed critter 1/1' for my daily dream task, and according to The Internet it's gotta be the first time you feed it, but hey, I haven't managed to feed any of the rabbits yet, so maybe one them will do it
hello ^._.^🍓
so with the rabbits, you have to 'chase' them three times. so when one runs off, follow it. it will stop, look at you and run again. i think by the 3rd time it will let you hit the button to feed it. give it a carrot! The squirrels like peanuts. but you can't get those until you get Remy's place. so Rabbits are the easiest right now.
oh I been giving squirrels raspberries, they eat 'em, it has to be a specific food to count as 'fed'?
/taking notes
right now I need 50 damn apples for a 'fruit salad'
and like, no, no no no, that's just a big mess of apples.
hello ^._.^🍓
i think it should be fine. i fed them things like that oo. but their fav is peanuts. and i cant remember if it mattered?
I know I've got carrots tho, I'll see if the rabbits are still around after dark, since apparently it syncs to my time zone
hello ^._.^🍓
when you want to start collecting pets. you will need to feed something (any food, not just fav, i believe) twice. But can only do it once a day? So if you want a brown bunny, feed it once when you see it, then in a few days it will spawn again to feed a second time! There are only ever two variants in a day out. and i think 4 colors of each animal...
(and even if I don't get one nbd, it's not like I get penalized for not doing it, it's just bonus magic sparkle skill points to unlock further exploration areas)
hello ^._.^🍓
oh yeah this is deeeefinitely going to eat my time, gotta remember the timer
hello ^._.^🍓
it's not a bad thing! That's what I wanted!
hello ^._.^🍓
there are a few quests that are timed, as in.... you want to go do it bu you have to wait for a thing in two days. so go do all the other things and play again after two days to keep going.
hello ^._.^🍓
i was annoyed by that but also i made sense and i had a ton to do anyhow
ohh yeah I don't think I've gotten to those yet, I'm only like three? Quests in
got Scrooge's shop open and the signs up and now I'm mining gems to sell to Goofy, and I've got the fruit salad and crackers going for Mickey, or, will once I can get FIFTY FRICKIN' APPLES that is way too many
hello ^._.^🍓
yeah those wont be until much later i think. the sunlight planes or something.
hello ^._.^🍓
hello ^._.^🍓
Also, Mickey in this isjsut so wonderful. i love having him as a friend. he loves Minnie so much
yeah! Actually being sad that she's not there was like 'oh, okay, he's an actual person'
and tbh I'm mostly having fun breaking into people's houses to steal their stuff (look, if they didn't want me to take it they would put it in storage and not in a glowing chest in the middle of the room, jussayin')
hello ^._.^🍓
YES. Like, trying not to spoil, just for me, the interactions with Mickey missing Minnie were making me tear up because he just loves her so darn much. This game did those two right.
hello ^._.^🍓
You're not stealing their stuff! They're your friends and they want you to be happy and use their things :-D :-D :-D
XD! They're providing enrichment for me!
by hiding stuff in my enclosure!
hello ^._.^🍓
and in turn you'll start giving THEM things!
hello ^._.^🍓
the fastest way to boost friendships is to give them things they like. and every day that changes. You can go to the collection menu to see your friends there, and when you highlight a charcter, it will show what they want that day!
hello ^._.^🍓
so i tend to log in, go check that, make mental notes of stuff i need, then collect them in the day so i can pass them to characters
hello ^._.^🍓
i got mickey and goofy maxed out pretty fast cus of it. merlin too
god that's another thing, menu navigation is hell on the PC
and yeah, I think I just had that explained after getting Scrooge's shop open, so that'll be fun when I get there
hello ^._.^🍓
also early game i sold everything cus duh. but once you start building chests for storage, i started to save at least one of everything if not more. because there are a lot of "you need these three flowers" to build a thing but i picked and sold all the flowers so i had to wait a while LOL
hello ^._.^🍓
the navigation feels pretty steady on the PS4. once you get used to it. i was wondering how PC went
LOL yeah, I'm catching on to that already, and I think I have enough coins now to give myself a backpack upgrade so I won't worry so much about 'well what do I have to throw on the ground to shove this fish in my bag?'
hello ^._.^🍓
at least, as far as i can tell, you CAN just store shit on he ground and it will be there later...
hello ^._.^🍓
if you run out of room, drop it on the ground near your house and it SHOULD be there later.
hello ^._.^🍓
i am unsure if that has changed is all;
hello ^._.^🍓
but yeah, the backpack upgrades feel costly, bu in the long run saved my sanity
yeah! So far there's a buncha rocks and carrot seed packets scattered around from where they fell out of shrubbery and rock shattering and I couldn't pick them up at the time
I'll see if they get swept away overnight
hello ^._.^🍓
yeah, i found if i go back i find them all again. but im unsure if reset the next day will leave or not. LOL i'm too much of a hoarder/loot whore.
hello ^._.^🍓
like in most games "This item gives like one copper. and his gives 2 silver. it's bestto take the one" OKAY BUT... i need both .... '
LOL yeah no same