Jack Raid
[transformers] Having to pick modern alt modes for characters who turn into spacecraft is frustratingly difficult
Jack Raid
Like. I’m trying to pick alt modes for Blast Off, Jetfire, and Astrotrain but like. The space shuttle is out of service. And what’s replaced it these days?
Jack Raid
https://images.plurk.com/1vLff1VSf4a59USm6EpkJX.jpg the Blue Origin, or as I like to call it, That’s a Penis.gif
Jack Raid
https://images.plurk.com/43ouOfd2Femc71lgoCEXTU.jpg and the Space-X Dragon 2 is just. Where’s the rest of it???
Jack Raid
I wanna modernize these characters but the modern equivalents all suuuuuuuck
Jack Raid
And a lot of the stories take place place in 2050 so like. Why would they turn into space shuttles that have been out of service for half a century by then
Jack Raid
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰ do you have any thoughts?
Dr. Min▲zuki
I mean modern spacecraft are probably also going to be outdated by 2050. Either let them go retro or invent your own Future Shuttle
Jack Raid
That, yeah
Kαтѕσηα 2024✰
if we're time jumping then i'd look up futuristic art of spaceships or just go the retro route
Jack Raid
I'd vote for the 'go retro or just accept that humanity hasn't progressed that far in terms of our space adventure vehicles as we have our terrain vehicles/ocean vehicles/air vehicles for understandable reasons and Make Future Spacecraft Up"
Jack Raid
Jack Raid
I’m gonna have to nail down specifically how far humankind’s relationship with the Autobots has progressed their technology I guess
nods, I think that's a very rational explanation for any Future Shuttle you invent that doesn't have a current IRL spacecraft equivalent; it's based off tech from aliens/Autobots
Jack Raid
I know I want it space shuttle shaped cuz that’s like. Important to the characters’ overall shape and stuff
Jack Raid
But it’ll be futuristic
retaining recognizable cues in the character silhouettes are important!
and re: spacecraft Transformers in general, as somebody who loves shuttle alts the best, I'm personally always inclined to accept handwaves about how much they actually match up w/ human spacecraft
because if Blast Off, Skyfire, Astrotrain, Sky Lynx were actually subject to the IRL limitations of what it takes a human-made shuttle into space, they would not be able to serve the role 'essentially speedy space taxis for other characters' they tend to be assigned...
Jack Raid
That being said maybe I should reimagine Blast Off as an actual military aircraft...
Jack Raid
Jetfire. Not Skyfire.
Jetfire, Skyfire, the big white shuttle dude
Jack Raid
Skyfire is the G1-esque Cybertronian aircraft. Jetfire is derived from the Armada character in this universe. They’re distinct in my fiction
as a Blast Off fan, I love him being a shuttle and think it can work well, but on an objective level, I admit Blast Off as a military aircraft would fit w/ the Combaticons' military team theme more
Jack Raid
That’s my thinking yeah
(ah, right. the Armada jock!)
my argument for shuttle Blast Off is that it lets him being essentially the team transport and he fills in the slot of sci-fi 'space military attacks' which there's no real IRL equivalent of
Jack Raid
Either way he’s gonna be quite large
but the argument for military aircraft Blast Off would be that hey, the comics made him a military jet and that worked fine + it would let him join in better w/ battles for his team
Jack Raid
Basically the core of Bruticus, with Onslaught forming the backpack and head
instead of being up in space all the time
huh! neat combiner arrangement tbh
Jack Raid
Space shuttles are supposed to be yuge and all
Jack Raid
I dunno what to do about Swindle’s size discrepancy as a military vehicle because most of them are much smaller than tanks
Jack Raid
Maybe he forms the mid torso/waist and Brawl becomes both legs? I dunno
I deal w/ Bruticus' ludicrously not-real size mismatches between his parts by closing my eyes and repeatedly whispering "mass shifting, it's just really insane mass shifting, don't worry about it"
but trying to be more realistic about it...
you could go the Groove/Rust Dust route and make Swindle a chestpiece?
but then that leaves Bruticus short a leg
maybe Swindle should just be a tank. yellow tank?
Jack Raid
Hold on a second
Jack Raid
Swindle will be a personell transport truck
oh, that seems like a fitting choice to make him bigger
Jack Raid
Have you seen the legacy Bulkhead toy? Basically something like that
Jack Raid
Anyway the scale of Bruticus would make him and Defensor a David vs Goliath kinda thing
good choice
a combiner made of military vehicles should be bigger and scarier than a combiner made of recuse vehicles/cars
Jack Raid
In terms of sheer size for Decepticon combiners it’ll go Devastator, Bruticus, Abominus, Menasor
Jack Raid
Ultra Magnus’s right hand bot in this universe is Side Burn. He calls Magnus “Magsy”
Jack Raid
Actually. I had an idea that may make Abominus the largest.