TMI mildly gross, mouth problems?
so one of the teefs I'm getting pulled in FOUR GOTDAMN WEEKS, A WHOLE FUCKIN' MONTH when it should have come out in December
anyway, it broke in such a way that it's got a sharp point/edge on it, the edge is fine, it's not an issue unless I'm licking it, but the point has been digging into the side of my tongue for a while now, and it's finally gotten to where I'm getting a canker/friction ulcer on the side of my tongue
so because I am my mother's daughter, I just went: "Y'know, I've got a metal nail file, fucker's already busted it's not like I'll be making it any worse"
and yeah, beveled that sucker down but now my head is buzzing and my one sinus has started to drain for no reason, but whatever, I'll take it
hello ^._.^🍓
can you not get the appointment pushed up due to it causing pain?
hello ^._.^🍓
the dentist i used to work for would always try to find someone willing to change places when she had a patient in pain, and sharp point counts
maybe? I was gonna call tomorrow anyway since the lady who scheduled it suggested I call mid-week and see if there's been cancellations
but unless it's debilitating pain it doesn't count as an emergency
(though if it turns into a full friction ulcer instead of just the little bitty spot it is now, yeah that would count)
hello ^._.^🍓
yeah, DEF do that. but i'd always stress to her that "This has gotten really bad and painful" and see if that pushes them to find a place to get you in.
and it's mostly because I've had to chew on that side since the other side that actually has most of a toof still can't handle pressure on that toof, it's going to fall apart if I sneeze too hard
which would also be considered an emergency, but because it hasn't broken yet it's not
hello ^._.^🍓
the problem was if they allowed it to get too bad, they wouldn't be able to do the work until the infection was cleared? so they had to wait LONGER, so Doc always wanted to get a person in before that.
hello ^._.^🍓
i donno if that's common practice of course...
Yeah, for sure, infection would be An Emergency, pain in the jaw/tooth bed would be (that's what happened with the first one) and broken to where I literally can't chew nothing would be
one of the techs explaineded it to me once, and that's mostly because they're one of the few low-income offices in town so they're almost always full and running behind
hello ^._.^🍓
right. i just know my dentists were so far very much a "let's not get to that level of pain stage" aka: sooner in the better. but if you don't tell them it's hurting they will assume your doing fine enough to wait?
hello ^._.^🍓
but yeah the almost always full thing is so hard
yeah, once I can actually get A Real Dentist again this won't be a problem
hello ^._.^🍓
i actually had a call list. that if someone like you wanted on it, i'd put your name and number and days that are OK down, and procedure... then if w had a cancel, i'd go down the list looking for people to call.
hello ^._.^🍓
dude finding a dentist is so hard
but that requires A Real Job (and shopping around, like, I'm glad my dude retired, he deserved it and his wife deserved it, but NONE of this has helped my dental anxieties)
hello ^._.^🍓
man, i can't remmebr, are you over in west sac?
West Sac is way the other direction from me
hello ^._.^🍓
ooooh right
hello ^._.^🍓
(this place I can get to on the light rail and a couple blocks walk)
it's like legit two stops down on the LR
hello ^._.^🍓
i was curious. my child hood dentist Martin D. L. Chan, D.D.S. still practices. he was amazing. one of my first experiences with someone medical being KIND. when my aunt passed away, she had recently gotten full teeth work and a huge bill. she was paying monthly of course. he'd seen in the paper her Obt,
hello ^._.^🍓
and actually called my Grandma to give his condolences to her loss. cam to the funeral. and also waved the entire full denture fee, telling her not to worry about it.
hello ^._.^🍓
it's really nice to see he's still working. i just saw his picture and got hit with WOW, THAT'S REALLY HIM! lol
yeah, John Keitel was our guy, and he and his wife helped found the Sudbury-Style democratic school (that has since closed) that I went to for like, a semester, and my folks were also founders of
but he knew all about ma's brain cancer, and the one time my brother went to the ER because of jaw pain, and got sent home because: "He's just weak because he's not eating" no bloodwork done or anything, Dr K. called ma' to check up on her, and she says: "Well I'm fine but here's what happened with my kid today"
hello ^._.^🍓
you know, a GOOD dentist is worth a million, i swear. they are so few ;-;
and without even hearing the whole story he says: "Take him back to the ER now, I'm calling in an antibiotic scrip, that's probably an abscess" and yeah, impacted molar/wisdom tooth coming in that was dangerously close to getting infected into the bone
hello ^._.^🍓
oooooh yeah. damn, those are def things that need asap attention.
ma' was on the warpath with the original nurse practitioner who sent him home without any real tests