“Something I'm realizing as I grow in this job is the never ending need for more. It's this trap that success can lead people into; a bottomless rabbit hole of more opportunities, more accomplishments, more projects, more of a legacy. You reach the next milestone, but it quickly becomes not enough.”
“You check an item off your list and another gets added. And you step back and realize it's just another drug, just another high you're chasing. Self-checking that feeling is really hard, especially in our line of work.”
這邊說的是YouTuber的工作,但還滿能體會的,我不太清楚機制,猜想現代生活有接近drug 的系統,容易讓你多巴胺成癮去尋求next high,也許就是這個時代對人的挑戰吧。