Character moms!
I half-jokingly assign the role of mother to the self-aware autonomous factory that manufactured Bastion, since Torbjörn is glossed as their dad. There isn't actually a lot of canon information about how omnic production worked or what was going on with the omniums during the Omnic Crisis so even aside from Assigned Mom At RP this is 99% headcanon.
I hate the trope of hordes of mindless robots that are morally acceptable to slaughter en masse except for one special self-aware one, so the way I interpret it is that all Bastion units built during the war had self-awareness and... partial free will. The omnium had veto power over their actions and could puppet them for large-scale maneuvers.
Having free will to decide how to accomplish their programmed objectives meant it didn't have to micromanage millions of individual units and could use that processing power for something else.
The omnium did try to avoid losing troops unnecessarily but was otherwise not attached to individuals and didn't miss Bastion when they got knocked offline, seemingly dead, before a battle.
Bastion woke up twelve years later, and following the events of The Last Bastion they're glad not to have to deal with their 'mom' anymore and are fervently against being returned to omnium control or put into a similar situation with any other entity.
Wilson also doesn't have a lot of canon information about his parents, individually or collectively. We can safely assume he grew up on the wealthier side, and it's canon that he does have living family but they don't talk to him much.
Since Higgsbury isn't a real surname I headcanon that either his parents together or his dad by himself (haven't decided if they were already married then) changed it on emigration to sound more fancy and English.
I don't like super angsty headcanons about why Wilson's estranged from his family but I don't want it to be for no reason/100% his own fault either, so I split the difference by writing his parents as emotionally neglectful but not clear-cut abusive.
They do support his transition, although that's partly to avoid the scandal that would work its way back to them if he was outed.
I'm not sure what either of his parents look like or what their names are.
I do know he's a middle child; he has two older sisters and a younger brother.
Wormwood's parents are a moon god (or something god-adjacent, anyhow) and a nonsapient viney plant. Neither of them really has a gender as far as I'm aware but Alter is the one we know more about so it gets to be the mom for the purposes of this meme.
Alter either is the Constant's moon physically or is possessing it. It's characterised as part of "Them", but moon magic opposes shadow magic, which is what most of Them use/are composed of, so it seems to be the black sheep of its family. Or the white sheep? Because shadows.
Wormwood doesn't appear to have inherited any special powers from Alter beyond being person-shaped in the first place - pretty much all of his abilities are plant-centric and have nothing in particular to do with the moon or lunar Enlightenment - although I think he does know a few lunar secrets because of his origins.
Alter is very much a deadbeat parent, having completely abandoned Wormwood and played no further part in their upbringing after dropping their gem onto the Hamlet plateau. I'm not sure if Wormwood knows the concept of parents applies to them.
It's not as bad as it would have been if Wormwood was human since they were born physically an adult and able to take care of their own needs but it's one of the main reasons Wormwood craves companionship so badly.
Aradia's mom is a sort of kangaroo-sheep creature. They had a loving relationship, up until Vriska forced Sollux to explode Aradia's hive.
Cirava was raised by either a giant hive of wasps or one really, really big wasp. I'm not sure whether their lusus is still alive after The Incident.
We only see the nest in their canon.
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I love how 'alien' most these are, for want of a better word. Such interesting settings!