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Man Dies In Crash; Discovers Truth About Guilt And F...

“ We have no idea how powerful our thoughts are, you know, as we made that choice. ”
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“ I didn’t have to figure out how to come back, it was in making the choice, our thoughts are so powerful, suddenly, in saying goodbye and choosing I’m going back, I found myself wandering around a hospital. ”
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“ As I encountered them, I knew them perfectly, even they were strangers perhaps in this room, but everyone I saw, I knew them perfectly.
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I knew their love, l knew their hate, I knew their motivations, I knew their challenges, I knew their thoughts, I knew their decisions and choices, I knew them as well as I knew myself.
I now call it a Oneness, there was an undeniable connection.
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This was true of every one I encountered, I knew them perfectly and yet it was all connected in this absolute, unconditional love.
Love without conditions. Everyone I saw, I love them.
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And then I suddenly came up to a body that I didn’t feel anything from, which I thought was strange, given this experience, so I step closer to look, and that’s when I realized ‘Oh my goodness, that’s me.’
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There was the flesh, there was the body that I was going to have to get back into, and I had lived my life up to that point within, and yet I also knew I had to get back into that body, and it’s brokenness.
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Again, our thoughts are so powerful, I didn’t have to figure out how, just the choice, the intention, I’m going in, I’m going in into the body.

Boom! Then I was back in the body.
But back to the grieve, and the pain, and the regret, and the guilt, and the trauma, it was so heavy. ”
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“ I saw things even when I’d say oh that was a mistake, I didn’t mean to do that. And that this beautiful being held me said there are no mistakes, what did you learn. And that this beautiful being held me said that’s is your judgement of it, not ours.
What have you become because of it, not in spite of it.
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And there was all this love. There was so much unconventional love in these arms, and no judgement.

Only beauty, and peace and insight, like deep wisdom.
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And I was told by this devine presence, this being who held me that even felt physical the way I was held, I was told you can be mad at God your whole life, that would be okay, they would love me anyway.

Or I was told I could be mad at myself my whole life, that would be okay, they would love me anyway. Was nothing but love.
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But I was also given the third choice and it was interesting because the being who held me which I called God said, I want you to have your will in this circumstance.

I’m like, my will?
I was brought up in a conservative Christian home, it’s Your will be done, not my will be done.
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And this being communicated to me, God said, your will is my will. That’s how much we love you. My will has always been that you have free will and I want you to make a choice. ”
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“ And it was communicated to me that I could give my son back, I could exercise my will and hand him over to God and release and trust, and let go, rather than harboring all that anger and guilt, and turmoil within me. ”