dragon time
(0) days since I have become wounded through dire folly (walked into a ceiling)
A ceiling?
dragon time
It was very low over the steps and there were warning signs on one way but not the other
dragon time
Also. Cement
Frozen Time
so that's that house off the table for consideration, then
/gets Holly an ice pack
dragon time
There are at least three places in that house where I would crack my head on at least once per week
dragon time
Lovely kitchen tho
𝖒𝖆𝖒𝖆 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍
That has been the primary dealbreaker in every house we've looked at, almost. Because, you know. Six-foot-five husband in New England
Princess Emily
have you considered just becoming shorter??????
dragon time
Sure I'll donate six inches off my torso to AF so we will be the same height
dragon time
Callie I've seen a good few cathedral ceilings here and gone "absolutely not can you imagine what it costs to heat in winter"
Frozen Time
six inches of torso is about what I need for normal human proportions, I'm down for this extremely feasible process
wolfgirl winter
I want the torso inches........
dragon time
Hooks everyone up to the torso hose I guess
Oh dear. D: