says Mixed bag of news yesterday.
says First, the bad news: I wasn't cast in the play I recently auditioned for. (I told you about doing the play last summer, right?) Disappointing, but not overly surprised: a lot of people audition for these things and the director likes to mix things up. I really need to find another company to audition for.
says But, I received positive news on the job front: It looks like I might have an offer incoming, assuming I pass the reference check. If it does, this would be a bump up in responsibility and pay. So, maybe this chaos and uncertainty will have a positive outcome?
says If so, the bump in pay would be substantial enough to begin recovering some of the savings we've been digging into recently. So that's something to be grateful for.
Overall, sounds great!
And do find another play to audition for!
Ceejay Writer
Lots going on with you! Sorry about the play, but yay on the other news!