papermint tiger
papermint tiger
i hate it
Wayward Haze
papermint tiger
oh honey
papermint tiger
you're no Rick Astley
papermint tiger
nice try tho
Exacerangutan there someone who calls tornadoes ramen?
papermint tiger
do you not know the ramen meme
Streets of Edo
I do not know it
papermint tiger
it's representative of Justin Timberlake's frosted permed hair from the 90s when he sang 'it's gonna be me' with such a twang it sounded like 'it's gonna be May'
papermint tiger
so now you know why people do the ramen meme in the spring
Streets of Edo
I still don't get it, why ramen?
Streets of Edo
His hair looked like ramen?
papermint tiger
papermint tiger see?
papermint tiger
*NSYNC - It's Gonna Be Me (It's Gonna Be May - Offic...
his plastic 'toy' hair makes it even more obvious
Streets of Edo
Streets of Edo
That's a convoluted meme!
papermint tiger
yeah lmao
papermint tiger
it's got layers
papermint tiger
i'm also just now realizing that Fall Out Boy did a parody of that music video lmao
.......... still not seeing where the tornado comes into it
or is that just a "here it comes" for anything
papermint tiger
yeah the tornado is just bringing the meme toward us
papermint tiger
as is its meme purpose
papermint tiger
since May is like. Monday
^ me tbh