Vincent Gogh
PSL Plot with me for May?
Vincent Gogh
Doctor will have a position at the new hospital
Gonna just post comments about our memes here and retire that 17-days-old plurk, haha
tagged the truth meme
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
Bᴇᴛʜ do you want some links?
Yon Fellow
Waiting to make plans with the Doctor until we see how their current thread shakes out
Yon Fellow
Because it's obviously fairly, uh... dramatic
Yon Fellow
To say the least
Vincent Gogh
yeeeeeeees :3
Vincent Gogh
Im trying to get my brain going atm
Yon Fellow
I love it though because he's just picking her bullshit right apart
Vincent Gogh
yesterday I had the spark but I owed people from the new event >.<
Vincent Gogh
it was five days :x
Vincent Gogh
oh gosh their verbal chessmatch was intense and amazing :3
Vincent Gogh
she almost put him in the corner
Yon Fellow
She's good at that. She probably would have won the verbal spar if she hadn't been coming in with the minor handicap of being completely wrong about basically everything.
Yon Fellow
Yes Please
also, I am very sorry Mulder is so on-the-fence homophobic. I'm trying to be true to his 1990s character but can dump it if it's uncomfortable
Vincent Gogh
its okay <3
Vincent Gogh
its character building to give another man a platonic hug
I'm sure if it keeps coming up, Mulder will learn it's not the end of the world, haha
Vincent Gogh
He'll get used to it, especially if nobody else is around to witness it
but augh, I feel so bad
Vincent Gogh
dont <3
Vincent Gogh
oh I have something for you to look at
I'm afraid other people are going to judge me too and I'm just like "sputter sputter b-but I remember the '90s and I remember their mentality and I'm trying to stay in-character..."
Vincent Gogh
pinged you :-)
oh my goodness, do you want me to watch that 30-minute video now or wait until we stop RPing? lol
Vincent Gogh
your choice
Vincent Gogh
oh and this would also Mulder discovering the two heart beats btw
Vincent Gogh
with hugging
Mulder's doing that one-armed hug-at-the-shoulder thing and might not sense it
Vincent Gogh
ah gotya
Ohana mods say I should ask if the homophobia/transphobia should be muted so I'll go work off of their reasoning
I am 100% okay with this, whatever happens
just let me know
Vincent Gogh
this is bakerstreet and you know I will say something
okay. Thanks. <3 Just in case anyone else is reading here or there or anything
Because I will fight tooth and nail for LGBTQIA+ rights, but I pride myself on being in-character and am not sure where the line is drawn
I got bogged down this month more than I expected, but I intend to poke Ten with Jaz the next time something action-y happens in an event >.>
Vincent Gogh
sounds like a plan :-)
Vincent Gogh
𝓛unacuno if it makes you feel better; that came off more like Mulder is just awkward over being homophobia
it was the '90s and he was a man's man. I'm not a fan of it, but it's there
but yeah, I'm going to stick with it if you're okay with it and cut it out in other games
Vincent Gogh
it came off awkward you're okay
Vincent Gogh
𝓛unacuno Im sorry my RP spark isnt here today and trying to think of something else they could do
you're fine. I got messaged in Discord from a very old friend and we're busy catching up
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
𝓛unacuno do you have anything you'd like to do in particular?
Vincent Gogh
Yon Fellow If I get anything RP mojo back I will poke ours ^^
Yon Fellow
^^ No need to push, whenever you're feeling up to it.
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
FightingSpirit maybe they could meet in person this coming month?
Sounds good! I'm hoping that my iron supplements will give me enough energy to have tagging energy
Vincent Gogh
Vincent Gogh
LilbunUWiz btw could Jasmine get back to poking Ten about this Rose at some point since I think you're done with the movie threading?
I'm sure it'll come up again in a future thread. Rose wasn't Jaz's major focus in that conversation since Hunger Games shook her up quite a bit
Vincent Gogh