Corpse Sniffer
man, is there like a way to get hired or at least look for things that are like 'jobs for ppl who are clearly autistic but are probably never going to get a diagnosis adhd is bad enough'
like legitimately, b/c im dying squirtle
Corpse Sniffer
brought to you by 'its only a matter of time before smeone takes me aside and tells me how terrible im doing'
Corpse Sniffer
i wish i had better like computer skills tho most of what im learning so far is for fandom stuff b/c at least that would require less talking to people
Corpse Sniffer
tho id have to peel myself out of bed tomorrow to try and look at things more b/c right now im too tired to do anything
go to indeed, put in "data entry -phone -phones -call -calls -sales -telephone" and put location as remote. it's what I do
feel free to replace data entry with whatever else you might be interested in that can be done without phones and/or remotely
you can also do the same for your location if you don't want to look at only remote
and change the experience level to entry level, which only helps so much when entry level jobs are rarely entry level these days, but still. filters out like people management roles
^ that
glass door is another good one
Corpse Sniffer
ty I will try my best to remember tomorrow or at least this week
I haven't used glassdoor much for directly job searching per se so can't speak for that, but I do use it a lot to check on company reputation/employee reviews, interview questions, and pay rates
you can try looking on Job Search Engine | SimplyHired
Corpse Sniffer
ty for the stuffs again, im also partly plurping to remmind myself b/c sometimes i was better but hopefully i will have energy to this week to at least try