Trying to figure out excuse to get Nikki to Arts Festival. He has literally only attended one social event in his life and that was for recon. sob
He went to a dance, accidentally smashed a glass in jealousy and then was almost killed in an enemy fight.
Good Times!
resisting li
He's in the area and didn't know there was even a thing happening and now ???? he feels overwhelmed and a little lost
resisting li
That's my suggestion X3
we have it all
poor Nikki
resisting li
: plausible but he's purposely trying to stay informed so he checks the network regularly
maybe I can work it into some kind of recon :|a
we have it all
scoping out the crowd and other outsiders, the vibe of the city, etc.?
hmmm maybe I can tweak that into something
especially learning more about what sort of people were brought here
we have it all
resisting li