Mark (CG)
Interviews with Newsmax and the Blaze. So he changed from being a crazy "transracial" to a crazy conservative. This happens every now and then (LOL)
Lucy Stephanie
Crazy kaagad?
Mark (CG)
I mean, he's the only one who made "transracial" up. He wasn't even transgender at first, he just wanted to be the dude from BTS then the girl from Blackpink. So yeah his new identity seems to be transphobe-who-makes-money-pandering-to-conservatives now. I guess it's less crazy, but a different kind of crazy.
Mark (CG)
Sure, in the most positive light all this means is that he's another person who like many before him were LGBT but then went back to straight and cis because religion, didn't actually "change" so much as went back inside the closet because they feel like the religion and its community gives them enough of an identity.
Mark (CG)
So yeah, I believe him when he says he credits Christianity, I just don't think he's actually in a healthier place. Just switched labels from "Koreaboo" to "Conservatism" but the same problems that made him undergo a shit ton of cosmetic surgery hasn't actually gone away, just redirected.
Lucy Stephanie
He's the only one who made "transracial" up?
Mark (CG)
I forgot about that lady who pretended to be Native American, actually (LOL) But yeah, it's not a real thing that people take seriously is what I meant.
Mark (CG)
anyway he has a book now that's "anti woke" and I can't help but remember this comic (lmao)
Lucy Stephanie
So you're saying he's a faker? Kawawa nmn others like him if people just reduce it all (the being LGBT and issues abt detransitioning) to being crazy and with mental health illness. (ninja)
Mark (CG)
Oh I don't consider the transracial aspect as much a problem as his obsessive need to be like Jimin and Rose to the point of getting an obscene amount of cosmetic surgery. If anything I wonder why doctors let him get them.
What I would have preferred is him getting therapy to address why he is the way he is, but he opted to be a hateful Christian so shrug
Lucy Stephanie
That's also what the detransitioners are complaining abt. The teens who went thru surgeries and all. Why is it so easy to do such these days and all that jazz. (Accdg. to the Dr. Phil vid/episode I shared previously.)
Mark (CG)
I mean, Dr. Phil is also another person who can't be trusted because he values money more than people (LOL)
Mark (CG)
The Conservative Propaganda of Dr Phil
The Dangers of Dr. Phil - A Daytime Tragedy | TRO

Basically he's unethical if you can't watch the hours long videos (LOL)
Lucy Stephanie
Actually Dr. Phil looked like he was siding with the "anti-detransitioner" person at the end of that episode, or something. (haha)
Lucy Stephanie
Anyway, people get treated (for their issues, mental or otherwise) the way they want to be treated. In Oli's case he went the religious route. If being LGBT is a mental health issue then I'm sure they will all not agree with you. (haha)
Lucy Stephanie
Mark (CG) : Who would you trust abt interviews on LGBT, transitioning and detransitioning topics then?
Mark (CG)
I don't think you read what I'm writing lmao. What I think is an issue is solely with his obsessive need to be a kpop star, and I think it's all just clout chasing so as soon as our conversation stops I'll stop thinking about him because he's clearly aiming for the conservative transphobic market with his media appearances and books
Mark (CG)
Lucy Stephanie : Generally I keep up to date by following the lgbt related subreddits I check, and the lgbt and lgbt ally content creators.
Lucy Stephanie
Mark (CG) : I did read what you're saying. That's why I am asking questions. Would like it if you can provide links so I can watch if they have vids too.
Mark (CG)
as far as detransitioning goes, there will always be people who regret their surgery no matter what kind but the numbers show that the vast majority don't regret gender affirming care.
How common is transgender treatment regret, detransi...
Mark (CG)
Oh shit of course Hasan made content about him (lmao)
Oli London Detransitions | Hasanabi Reacts
Lucy Stephanie
That was exactly what the anti-detransitioner person on the Dr. Phil episode said. That there are only a small number. But didn't give a percentage.
Lucy Stephanie
Mark (CG) : So is this one of your recommended videos to watch of people you trust on the topic? I will check if it is.
Mark (CG)
Yeah he had no time for Oli's shit (lmao) He immediately pointed out that Fox News and other conservatives will point at him and say "Look he's crazy and got surgery so we should stop all Transgenders from getting surgery because look at Oli they're all like him"
Lucy Stephanie
Of course not everyone is like Oli. (haha)
Mark (CG)
No but he's showing up on conservative media so they could say that everyone is like Oli. That's the point, he just wants conservative money and clout and he doesn't give a shit about the LGBT community. The comments section expand on it more
Lucy Stephanie
So what does the allies you are mentioning think abt detransitioners then? I'd like to watch more interviews of that.
Mark (CG)
I'm actually looking at hasan clips to see if he talked more about it. Good thing everyone clips his shit (lmao)
"Detransitioner" CRIES About Being Bald???
Lucy Stephanie
But he's just like laughing at detransitioners, much like laughing at LGBTs. That's the thing I'm seeing, it's mostly women to men detransitioning. Not much men to women detransitioning. shrug
Mark (CG)
Nah it's about how that he's not mad that he transitioned, he's mad that he's bald. Which is a thing a lot of men go through, but yeah the point of the video is that it's such a rare thing to regret transitioning that conservative media will jump at it to espouse policy that will harm the transgender community
Lucy Stephanie
You're talking abt the detransitioner. I'm talking abt Hasan.
Lucy Stephanie
Ultimately it's all back down to men vs women again. (haha) I'm seeing the trend of people (biologically is/was male) attacking detransitioning/ed or trans men more.
Mark (CG)
Yeah Hasan's a political commentator. He's acknowledged that of course there'll be people who regret gender affirming care, but what's happening in the real world is that people will use those who regret taking it as all the proof they need to deny the care for everybody else who wouldn't regret it
Mark (CG)
So what we should be wary of are people like Tucker Carlson who'll jump at the chance to get someone like Oli London on his show to point at and go "And this is why we must remove transgender people"
Lucy Stephanie
That's also what I concluded with the Dr. Phil episode. They are saying there are many in the trans bandwagon who shouldn't really be in it.
Mark (CG)
"Many" is a citation needed
Lucy Stephanie
Watch the episode. Heck I don't know their percentage. You're the "expert" so maybe you can provide it. (haha)
Lucy Stephanie
I'm just watching idly on the topic whenever I see something because I'm so not up to date on stuff like that.
Mark (CG)
eh I'm lazy so I'll just google it and link the wiki article Detransition - Wikipedia
Lucy Stephanie
Mark (CG) : Oh no you're not lazy. You clearly know more abt the topic than me. (LOL)
Mark (CG)
Basically it's low, and the reasons are varied, and in many cases it's just a normal thing in the process of the doctors going "are you sure you want to transition cuz we'll keep talking about this for months and years until we're really sure and you get the surgery" and the answer eventually becomes "Actually no, thanks" and stop the hormone therapy,.
Lucy Stephanie
Any other allies you mentioned that you can recommend? (thinking) Because clearly any video I watch seems like transphobic to you.
Lucy Stephanie
I wanna know more on the ally side based on your video recommendation.
Mark (CG)
Oh, probably a great one for you is Kat Blaque
How Young is Too Young To Be Trans?
Lucy Stephanie
Is there anything by mainstream media or maybe the counterpart to Dr. Phil? (thinking) Or maybe documentaries?
Mark (CG)
Ooh that's more difficult. Checks
Jon Stewart has some?
On Gender-Affirming Care | The Problem With Jon Stew...
Mark (CG)
Lucy Stephanie
So those are the ones you've already watched? Will check.

Also yes, it's more difficult to find mainstream media stuff and I dunno, maybe interviewed experts don't seem to have much pro-trans vids?

Maybe it's more trendy to make anti- content these days.
Mark (CG)
John Oliver's really good with these, actually. He pointed out something I forgot to mention. Children getting surgery just isn't a thing, but the conservative media will pretend it is to scare their base into supporting anti-trans legislation.
Lucy Stephanie
Bitin yung kay Jon Stewart. Interesting kaso mas ok sana if they release full vids online for free so more people can watch it.

As for the John Oliver one... he mentioned abt kids/teens becoming activists for trans rights... reminds me of Greta.