idolmaster cinderella girls U149!~
- Miria ep!
- Riamu & Akira cameo and more!
- I just realized Sato = Sugar, no wonder she went hard with the Sugar persona xD
- While the stream ended in a positive note this is why kids shouldn't be on stream without supervision.
- Next ep, The Elegant Momoka-chama going bungee jumping!
-a super familiar face from the last cinderella girls adaptation! (LOL)
-(LOL)-ed at the siburin in twintails haha! xD
-sato is sugar? oh, i didn't know that. i really like her random noises when she makes mistakes haha! (LOL)
-yep, i was kinda worried that some sexual stalker might be hiding among the commenters. D:
-i wonder if momoka will do this job~ :3
- One of the main cast before and a main cast again xD
- That's Akira but her outfit does resemble Shiburin
- If you remember "Happy Sugar Life" the MCs are named Satou and Shio (sugar & salt symbolism)
- Ep 4 preview shows she took it and heeyyy it's
【アニメ】「アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ U149」第4話「羽が折れているのに飛んでいくもの、な...
-oops! i didn't notice that there was a mask under her chin~ (LOL)
-oooh~ ii see~
-awesome! looks like she didn't hesitate much in order to do it! there's a cute idol beside momoka in one of the shots haha!