“ Let me tell you this: those narcissists sure the hell ensure that they take very good care of themselves, and they expect everyone to get on board with that. ”
“ The constant sympathetic nervous system activation that a person experiences when they’re in a narcissistic relationship, and by sympathetic nervous system, I mean the fight flight freeze responses, means that our bodies are running at a state of physiological strain that puts a lot of wear and tear on us for the long term.
“ Many people in narcissistic relationships report experiencing a sort of brain fog, it’s sort of this sense that not being able to think straight or think well or think sharply.
It’s interesting because it’s very similar to what people who have other forms of brain fog, where I have most commonly heard this is those who have completing or have completed for example a course of chemotherapy, people taking other kinds of medication, people living with fatigue inducing disorders, and those are other places that brain fog happens.
Brain fog is also a commonplace issue in people living with narcissistic abuse and it can exacerbate an already growing sense of self-doubt and confusion. ”
“ If you grew up with a narcissistic parent or parents, You may have struggled with the physical symptoms of the narcissistic abuse through stomach aches, headaches, even skin rashes, which are all ways that stress can physiologically manifest in a child.
“ Researchers such as Janice Kiecolt-Glazer have documented the deleterious health effects of marital conflict on immune function, ( .... ) I always think we could potentially extrapolate her research to narcissistic relationships.
YouTube 於八小時內再度推播這支影片給我,沒想到一口氣看不完、暫停在 10:20 左右,打字之際不自覺地咬緊牙根對抗隨著聲調閃過腦海的明晰意念。
“ People experiencing narcissistic abuse stop taking good care of themselves.
They don’t get good sleep.
They don’t get good nutrition.
They don’t engage in any healthy exercise. ”
( .... )
But the child obviously is going to get exhausted from walking on eggshells and living with an unappeasable parent. ”