boodle boy
[gym/mild injury talk/cw for food/fitness talk, not what I’ve but JUST IN CASE]
boodle boy
Power cleans yesterday scraped a raw spot on the inside of both my thumbs which I’ve never done before
boodle boy
Also woke up with some seriously sore traps
boodle boy
I feel like I’m getting a hang of these classes at least. Even though now that the weather is nice they’ve taken to making us warm up with a 400m run and I hate running so much
boodle boy
Really preferred rowing
boodle boy
But I did some of my own stuff last week because I had my period and didn’t feel up for a class and I was so
boodle boy
boodle boy
I need to come up with some backup programming for myself for days when I don’t want to do a class, and also just to mix in some slow heavy lifts without worrying about the time.
boodle boy
Now that classes are getting better I need to dial in my food stuff, particularly getting those nice high protein numbers so I can actually get the most out of these workouts
boodle boy
I’ll probably go back to some light tracking, just because it’s pretty hard for me to eyeball protein intake when I’m out of the habit
boodle boy
Once I get into some habits I can usually guesstimate pretty well, but I need to be in the practise
boodle boy
today’s injury; rubbed a raw spot on my arm from using a concrete atlas stone
boodle boy