Write an essay of 250 words to answer the following question about Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Hamlet. Remember I need to see quotes used to elaborate on your points, and they must be selected from each and every act (there’re five acts).
In Shakespeare’s famous play The Tragedy of Hamlet we see the central role Hamlet standing on the stage alone, babbling about things that have happened and are happening to him. Events and thoughts develop almost at the same time.
For instance, after meeting with the grudgingly saddened ghost of his father he says, “Time is out of joint, Oh curs’d spite / that ever I was born to set it right!”; he tells his beloved Ophelia, who’s betraying him, to “go to a nunnery”; on his too eventful life, he reflects deeply, saying “To be or not to be, that is the question.”
The ghost demands revenge, and he must destroy Claudius, his uncle, who murders him while his sin is worst. Now, in Claudius’s praying scene, we know Hamlet does have the opportunity to stab him from the back and accomplish his mission once and for all. Why doesn’t he do it? What’s in his mind? What does he want?