[MH Things] Appointment yesterday went well enough. Started new meds today...
Adderall and Cymbalta
feeling really dizzy about it today. like blood sugar is WAY too low, though it is not.
feel that 'i want to hurl' feeling but haven't yet.
i have an alarm set to take meds in the mornings.
and will see her in three weeks
really liked this woman she actually GASP read my chart!!!
so i didnt spend 50 minutes repeating everything ever over and over.
she read it, asked a few good questions, pointed some things out and i jsut "wait you read my chart?" she said "Yes? I have it up right now"
I was like "Sorry, the last 5 times i saw soimeone i had to repeat it all only to have them leave later that month and start over
she said she noticed i seemed to catch them as they were leaving. and that she intends to stay a while. she likes it here
she was nice.
anyhow, started meds. hoping it kicks in soon so i can get back to doing shit
yeah cymbalta can do that
well, we will see if it helps any. if it helps me at all that's a win...
So for me personally the dizziness went away after about 10 days. it came back with me up the dose but again it went away after by the week and a half.
hoping the best!