Plurk family, my friend that lives in Seattle just got an amazing 6 figure job and has offered to pay for my plane ticket to see her this summer. I'm so torn. Part of me feels a little awkward because hi, poor friend, charity, blah blah blah. But on the other hand, I'd love to see her and my other Seattle friend that I haven't seen in something like 15 years
Then there's George. I feel a little bad taking a trip without him and obviously I can't ask her to pay for him. I also don't feel comfortable inviting George along even if we COULD afford to just pay for him because she made it clear she wants alone/girl time.
I mean, not in a bitchy way, but yeah. Also, not sure about being good company with my health stuff and there's only so much I can do to fix that. Ahhh. Decisions! She said she would check in with me in June, so I have awhile (she wanted me to visit in August).
Dakota Revolver
Doooo iiiittttt or at least see how you feel during June and if you are at a place you can health wise. I think it would be such a nice thing for your mental health to see a friend that isn’t local.
Dakota Revolver : yeah, I’m going to definitely wait till June to make a decision. I need to see about finding classes for exercise too. I’ve been looking but not much luck finding something affordable so far
Dakota Revolver
Honestly I’ve found YouTube to have a wealth of workout videos
Dakota Revolver : yeah, I just would prefer in person to start with to help me with making sure I have good form etc and adjust given my challenges but that doesn’t mean I can’t at least try YouTube in the meantime
The way I'd think about this (not suggesting that it's the way that yous should) is to weigh the potential regrets: I might regret doing something for a while, if it doesn't work out, but I think I'd regret missing an opportunity for much longer.
Dakota Revolver
I find that the quality fitness people will tell you how to correct your form and watching people vs just looking a book is helpful. I’ll also say you can even just watch the videos until you feel ready to try them.
do it if we can meet, if not, meh I don't know.
JK - do it!
Hello, new here. I recommend at least considering the trip. A change of scene and circumstance can be an incredible catalyst. I have a friend who posted some Tai Chi videos to YouTube during the pandemic, if you'd like me to link them. I know there are also some good yoga videos. Both are a semi-gentle way to start with physical strengthening. I'm trying
to build up my own endurance in preparation for being more active this summer; I've really hibernated hard this winter.
Have you ever been to Seattle before?
Amber : lol, ILY heylisa : hi new person! Please send the recommendations my way! I've never been before but I have so many friends in the Seattle area or close to it so lots of opportunities to meet up with long distance friends.
Just a little FYI. I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and I have long haul covid, so I am both "out of shape" but also need to be gentle with my body when it comes to fitness. Rheumatologist suggested Tai Chi because it's gentle.
dkronfeld : I appreciate that, friend <3 I think I'll do it as long as my health is at least a little improved by June.
Dakota Revolver : and that's a good point!
Some thoughts... on worrying about "charity": She's excited about her new salary, she misses her friend, and having you there isn't just a gift to you, it's a gift she's buying for herself.
Lette : good points <3
given what a huge film buff you are, I think the Museum of Pop Culture would be really fun for you, plus you can see the Space Needle there too
if you would have regrets, then I vote: go
Mmw Strangelove
For years, I was the broke person in a family of literal millionaires. It does feel bad to take the gift. But I think Lette is right. It's a nice thing she's doing for herself as well as you.
Mmw Strangelove
heylisa : I'd love to see the Tai Chi videos!
OK, they start here:
Tai Chi Basics and Pose 1
There we go. :-D
Mmw Strangelove
Thank you!
Sean Gorham
I think you should go. You never know when you'll get another opportunity to see your friend and celebrate life with them. Talk to George about it. I bet he'll be understanding.
Amber : YESSSSS, Museum of Pop Culture is a must for me for sure
Sean Gorham : He is so understanding. I still feel a little bad but I am leaning towards a yes if my health behaves.
Oh man, let me know if you decide to go. I'd make a road trip up with kala_bijoux for coffee or dinner. And maybe some potato boyo snuggle
Misha : haha, I already told her to bring you with her!
potato boyo
hi what hello
Let them love you
potato boyo
I live in Seattle. I will drag my knuckles out of my cave upon request.
potato boyo : lol, would you?? That would be lovely.