Same shit different day. >':{
Kremlin has to also step aside and make prospects to be light. :{
These all aren’t so prospectful, ful is true, not prospect.
How a president can’t providing and promising prospect? I don’t know. Maybe it flew to private pockets. ':{
I had been dead enough, Earth, still good that you hold the Anatolia. ':{ What do you scheme on this? https://images.plurk.com/4wJkWnvydQlXJMSYBdOKI8.jpg
If you burn the containers, they’ll be like Diego Garcia people. Then let things be fine, i guess, and for good. :{
Anadolu, could you make some of that like flat? You know, apartment, double decker bus, space efficiency, vertically?
People are still locally campaigning, yep someday but not anywhen close, unless from their own pocket and not state trip. :{
We’re really so flawful. Sigh. Anyway, it is “Malayan.” You can translate “melayani,” and not “nelayan.” That if we would to stick to our true or righter origin—and not our wrong version. :{ Don’t know if that semantically coincendental, but we have to not mind to.
Like rather than to become effendis or bigging our small heads. :{
Not really small at some points, but we have no right reason for the latter. :{
If you’re really eager for things, you may try to unbreakingly do qunut like for a month. :{ Hope will make your better state. You know how Dojo welcomed new people.
No luck. Forget it. In real not only London. Just almost everywhere be like that. London is like hydroponic system, under wires their progress is. :{ One day their nobler got frustrated with system and dump his cash unto river. Now people prospers.
AA SPOR on Twitter
You can’t assume with that, that wealth really making people’s lives happy. But still, we all are in need for fortune. :{ Like i need you, so there’s still thing for me to post, so i feel live. :{
More safe to be taken as assumption only. Period. I know not. :{ More relieving like that. Nor also for Queen Elizabeth’s tea. Almost like “ma’am, if i’m your husband i’ll drink that poison.” Unfortunate for her majesty that she had departed. Also in not good condition, nor with faith. ':{
Sigh only grumbling.
She get that we don’t have bad intention to her reign, so yep they prosper. The tea didn’t worked and things—until very now—are still sad. But maybe that is a side cost to be livings. Hate life, its alternative. So keep things be that like their trusts and we’re able. :{
Yeah thanks for reminding.
Had been frustrated but i was slightly regained my hope (to not be within despair over God or hereafter) last morning and i believe the devils don’t like that. I’ll proceed with my own capability and situation. ':{
Lasting as kidnapping and troubling over both the parent(s) and their kid(s) of the rent’s real proplord also by their society maybe also by the world since their satans demand so, complete also with lasting bragging for those. :{ Wonder what their games are accumulatively. Sometimes they assumedly freeing them selves. Can’t say it’s not a scheme.
I’d rather not be in that business and the kind. Already tough and difficult. :{
Astaktsartum; “you (demons) had been so much (onto people).” ':{
Surah Al-An'am - 128 - Quran.com
Ramadhan is the month of koran, they said. Koran was sent to be in the month. So there’s no reason for them to stay ripping and stealing ones. :{
Remember Babylon. Said that Talmud was also came from its era. :{
Surah Al-Baqarah - 101-103 - Quran.com

If Iraq is full of them, they will eternalized that like holocaust museums, but it was Saddam’s people. And now got replaced by the Shiite reign or can you say shities.
Meant what, even if it was God that created devils. :{ Now the Babel Tower had got even moved unto Eastern Europe, not to mention orcs. ':{
Exploring ANCIENT BABYLON, IRAQ / السفر الى بابل الع...
Coincidentally abbreviated “sad Adam.” ':{ Did you know the popular line of United States of America’s “We The People?” Correct. We’re that people—not them.
Status quo and poverty. :{
King be calm. :{
They’re not really in need to be despairing, just broke their games and get off since the ties are bathil. :{
Not also beneficial since many practiced that, like to become fragile, so be wise and be mostly on your self. :{
Just in time. Okay, whatever. Believe you believe Obama’s TPP. :{ President Biden on Twitter
You know Red Bull been sponsor of Wipeout XL? :{
Reuters on Twitter
Look, Mr. Musk, i’ll be honest to you, but you block me from getting news i think that is not your business. :{
“Something went wrong, but don’t fret.” You, fret. >:{
And good news? Hindu Kush, huh? And how will you make that, Earth? You know how tough life is, especially with sentimental side side as fragile? >:{ USGS Earthquakes on Twitter Melipilla - Wikipedia
What to say, Earth, i’ll be also dead, and you knew i had even leaning to you. Sigh. I’m dead. I’m bad. >':{
Are you a Biden? >:{ Cunning. Really? So, heatwaves? Coldwaves? Himaachala?
>:'{ I need this month to become calm and, say, willful, Earth. Safe including from those banyak bacots. Are you okay with that? Are your lord? By the way, that’s all, i guess.
I may be in need for your psychiatrist, Mr. Biden. I think these overtly aren’t alright. :{
President Biden on Twitter
Are you okay? :{ It was now the cops. An institution that you build.
I don’t want trouble, Mr. Biden. :{ This world of yours seems, don’t know, “problematic” doesn’t define. President Biden on Twitter
Annoying, yes, loss-making you can guess, dim future—whatever. Whatever.
Look, you be good right there. This is kind to telling to same folks. :{ Avoid making problem. Usually this to be told to our own people when in far seas.
I told them to instead mengerahkan presiden mereka sendiri bila memang menginginkan keamanan urusan. :{ Malah menjual segala macam ke China. That is the protocol—protokoler—unless they welcomed you. China, Russia, Australia, Europe—continents.
China owns stellar loan. >:{ Could make difficult and tough bargain.
So they talking in dang curiosity with capital of errors, that is like trashing intelligentsia for moron uttering. They talk, talk about KM 50’s Bulldozer, Terrorism settings, unlawful seizures, and i told them Corruption Index. They’re dead to me. :{
Look, folks, this is still human world. Okay? Good.
They disagreed and even jerking off. Whatever. That on them selves. This is the kind that making diplomatic channels to be difficult. To even Sweden told that the kind crashed its visit to Türkiye. And Sweden is even not a sympathist.
I am not a proxy for this whatevers. >:{
Bowo, in orang-orangmu mau bulan puasa malah mengagulkan kemampuan setan mereka. Ke diri mereka sendiri sajalah.
BMKG on Twitter

Goodness that people been won again lately and i’m quitted religion again.
They’re anonymous.
Reuters on Twitter
I’d rather post shits so they won’t trade me with their GDP.
Consciousness had returned to numb state, that what i realise. But i still can thinking. Don’t know how this become economically winning, or only maybe, the kind will make you to buy whatever pushed to you. Maybe also this came from my own fault, since i still can’t contributing profit to mine.
If according to news, drug usually got associated with thieves’ operation. So they safely proceed stealthily. Is that true or not somehow i keep to feel dumber and more unknowing for each moment. Left only confusion if not also chaos. Usually when integrity is ruined, other liberalness also following.
Then became like bar jokes. But Soekarno was the only president that got imprisoned.
You can’t infiltrate gangs by being whites or being clean. And this already meant a lose to America, including from all previously. The classified that you cooperatively cancelled was only your scheduled MLK, not China. :{
LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD Clip - "Enough Pain" (2007) Br...
I got suspended that to cover your operations and reign to stay running. :{ You are the terrorists. You kill your own selling slogans only for these and destructions to can be made. Dorsey told that France is not appropriate to be safe, but we have our people there. And we have a lot of people and organisms on this Earth.
Your snake tongue is as poisonous as your presidents’ and you’re brainiac. Even a snake won’t fool you nor will run away with your money. We need to be safe from you and we need a little of your sympathy so we can still get through this life intact. Our world is not as intrigueful and complex as yours nor we used to technology and politics.
They’re yeehaws, not yankees. This is not southern demagoguery. If you tame us, we become you. And if we become you, we become political and intervenists while at your own there had been a few good men crisis already that you never had solved.
New York Post on Twitter
John Cheese had lose to sickness, and that meant to not expect that you were got expected to survive an apocalypse. They’re so eager to rule while their prestiges were got scattered worse than Dicaprioso. Even market adapts. https://images.plurk.com/5eC4iDs5qLunNkzUJptf8Y.jpg
The gang is far worse than Jimmy Skywalker and Betty Compsognathus and nobody likes a restructurization. They became like Twitter HRD and Social Truce, providing word supports, but people were either dead or got fired while in Russia they got enlisted. And they keep thinking to lynch anybody perfect for, while people think it is them.
Not to mention that hoes and shoes are abundant in the gang, that usually become people’s ammunition to messing them, while Jimmy that mess he still married Compton. If people including Bilderbergers retaliate from the shackle of their magic, they’ll be in trouble that no prison nor podesta can contain for they’re as smart as Fed.
Blitzer said get off and let life to preserve. This is not even Entrapment. While they who used to stir you and intentionally, that’s between you and them. We don’t even have dog pet if you do knew.
Jurassic Park : Lost World 1997 - Ending Scene 4k
We do have pussycats but they’re literal cats, and they not use to bite or nail people nor use to intervene onto people’s lives. While about Devil and his army, they are in their own game and agenda.
If that is really true, you were made that in Matrix Resurrections’ script with Mars’ own version of agent Smith, Turb machine and bended space. Rather than this—into apocalypse your version and people keeps onto Trump. CNN on Twitter
The Matrix Resurrections but its only the Deja Vu ca...
Probably like absolute vert. line of light in space but a bridge where you sledge-slided onto another station which is a tower H landing at Mars since Google hardly give illustration. Neither monstrous Nexus formed by residue of agent Smiths did even made onto video-gamey Matrix Revolutions. Means this apocalypse you were dead-brainer than you thought. In...
turn you stole our symbolism about meeting with Abrahamic God, packaged it with the defense of Zion that even your selves are doubting is it Megiddo, and people got sent back unto Hell (the fiery sentinels’ below) after they got enough for glimpse of lives in Heaven.
You’re worse than H.G. Wells. Not cool, but you knew so massive resources that you’ve got, while to you many of them are only Nazis and living hoes, including that MAGAz and Antifa and the rest whose died. :{
British be brits, in Jewish wrapper and Yankees’ custom.
New York Post on Twitter
Sadly pa won’t allow it. You know Nazis? If you do care about them, you expect them to be pious, tough and sympathetical instead. Rather than they sparkling with garden hoses under summer sun nor to be suffer in wars. You made them Manson cultists, far from decent ecclesiasm. https://images.plurk.com/6mIvQySntfQKqRWfII6Z7F.jpg
Shreeve’s sheriff. In real the Germans weren’t different than coupons. The game relies so much on tamed Elites, and they have officers and armies that meant they got coupons. And since you saw them as vouchers they can got spared or died when you like or they asphalting your roads. Not like that. They’re still God’s clients.
Later people ran from empire’s prosecution and took a rest in a cave with their dog, woke up around three hundred years later after the reign ended. Scholars researched for a cave with characteristics as in the book verse and they found one. That also inspired one X-File episode Rush about a lightning-moving guy that inspired the final of Tomb Raider (2001).
Sorry, was lowbat.
And that was still connected to Saladin of Quicksilver whose there he’s an apprentice or worker of Will Eisner (A Contract With God with not even a resemblance that guy can’t find a better work nor has a mood or maybe perk for)—reminds so much of the irony of ISIS. The real Saladin was a liberator of Salem and he preserved lives back in the land.
Which sadly reminded to thirty pieces of silver. We can say that things had been morphed worse than a terrible mess and far worse ironic.
Saladin Ahmed Goes Inside the Mind of Quicksilver | ...
So rather than your rat and trade games, what instead that you can and would to tell or share to me? >:{
Eugh yea that is very cop custom. The Onion on Twitter
They can really cooperate between them but they knew they’re Nazi institution. https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/19759749/1398274946/1080x360
Like Hermann Göring but with more tributes and attributes. ':{ Göring once even a skinnier person. https://imgs.plurk.com/QCX/KsJ/h6QmWWREKJqBMiOYQeTRPvOU4r0_lg.jpg
Reality is so sad and so wrong. ':{ https://images.plurk.com/6O9ZKT98q01wdektjMjbC4.jpg
Only people boasting up but still useless loser in reality or even part of the messer. :{ In real you can lynch not few of our generals for their collaboration with CCP and private companies. They been whispered do you have gut for this, i said you have henchmen and used to kill people, why you say that.
They’re righter for their glue, loot and pet. In english if you want real and actual urgent case or crisis and problem or if you don’t forbid people from thinking freely and gladly. :{ You’re also so imperatively corrupt and manipulative—that you’re many and not alone (also at chairs of charges) that is even a shame about you.
So you steal mail address and broke using that? :{ Wow. And what can you tell about the rest of you? Since you buldozered kilometer 50 inside police lines and ultimatum the perimeter to shut up i believe it was your selves that intentionally did selves-introduced as enemy.
And if yours did not joking about devil state, you love to brag about and stir with, then could be also you’re an enemy to human. :{ Novel Baswedan, his obstructed brother and dead Siyono were only a few of your big frame of casualties, including less a 1000 deaths for your fraud throne-taking alone. I maybe dumb. :{
So what makes you think that to root information from me that to you is far be better than from your intelligence and agencies? :{ You did even only adding dumbness, numbness, wild-guessing and more know-not on me. :{ Not even a slight of useful info that you gave.
Topics had long got changed, Nexta.
NEXTA on Twitter
There’s no more hope nor future but we have to create this hope. But our capability and poor performance tells not. ':{ Then these must be somebody other’s luck—whatever.
A Glimpse of Light
Sigh. In real “heaven and Earth” literally meant skies (samawāt) and Earth (‘Ardh) , and not Heaven (Jannat) and Earth. :{ If hope does really exist, it won’t be like these, nor will get trapped in these. Had even became the Man Boy of Powerpuff Girls—useless living retard that concernly keep to aging. :{
Even that Trump has successors and running company(-ies). :{ He didn’t bragging but it is not his setting, since he knew CCP is expansive like cups of noodle, like situation naturally. You can’t change people, especially people in ambition.
New York Post on Twitter
Bat is Batavia, the old Jakarta. :{ But you saw that the capital is about to get moved to China’s marked Kalimantan Island, which is one of the world’s green and a house for many species. That will destabilized the country and moved concrete assets unto private elites’ possession. Into state of hostage, severe debt and bankruptcy.
Those cops not told. For they’re the seditionists in this urgent mattering dangerous course scheme. :{ Wonder will they detain them selves since that is an actual plot against the country and naturalization over hegemony of hogwash, worse than markups and worse than accidental errors.
So in real do they have guts for that? They have, but they don’t have that neatness. Did they knew that China is a hostile foreign entity under active expansive plot rather than place like Philippine or Brunei? They really knew that but that is beneficial to them to become its agents. As conclusion they have the guts. Also the minds and hearts for.
All i have is accute neglection and pessimistic and lasting wrong status. Not productively running maybe as it shall to. :{ The How becoming stronger for each day. How to get out, how to achieve, how to survive, how they became amnesia and became Goebbels echoing their satans ally as their main preaching. They even keep to talking from...
the place they did, and they’re part of their people so that keeps to be them selves. This is worse winning morons than berger.
Trump hysterically applaused for the idea i saved one guy Vincent. He’s a Russian and he was unto suicidal path that panicking me. I said i could become a better president for Russia thinking about that since Putin made Russia into suicide. Now his GOP league into suicidal path and they want me to save them too. How? And with this incoming disaster?
This all is similar to Saddie Isle. You knew why Saddie operation was not succeed in Türkiye? Because their fangs aren’t deeply sunk. While in Europe and America it succeed like absolutely. Then to rebelling up against cuffs of disaster that is not literally difference than freedom from the castaway island.
COINTELPRO has one unspoken term that however fritz your operation is it shall not endangering to the solidness of American agency, but this is worse, this will damaging not only agency’s reputation but also their own. And without customer left we will have nothing, where our supporters will running all over the place to save their loyalties from microwave.
In english if the operation puts and cripples them in shit position, well, you’re so brainiac opportunists. Did you saw Vietnam and its trophies? More hardworks, less glory, encircling on a path of misery almost like things a set up. Chris Wraith won’t agree but you’ll bet your slogans on it. Kingdom that you seek to build has to be happily ever after kind.
Whether or not that is forbidden for you.
You knew why you can’t transported your machines out from Afghanistan? Nay, but they stopped working from betrayal from your own providence science. Of course you can not believing that one event will stay exact like Math on all and every occasion, but imagine if it then sacrifice you instead or betray you once again. Stop this and for good including of you.
I must be mumbling. Never mind. Maybe lunacy. :{
The sun does still shining every morning. You’ve been too wasting all the gifts or maybe most of us do.
You’re not even frank, but think were these frankly. Of course, other than sarcasms and coincidental boasts like to rule the broken agency of yours. FOX 7 Austin on Twitter
It did only needed for years from builded state of hero into worse below zero. And from premium to false and forced equilibrium—and even those arseholes that got empowered lavishly and stirring like a colossal cloning of all-knotting conspiracy theorist. What should i say to put you on a better and appropriate course? Calm and choose a leap of faith.
Because the Nazi leapt unto nihillness and you’re smarter than them.
It need only years to turn hawkish into junks of degenerated confusion of clowns. And from exceptionalism into bundle of excerpts. Then the heck was your point? Nor also by your enemies that you turned accomplished into aborted, only for you thought that the collateral damages will get contained from reaching structurally onto core system. Rather...
than delivered you free, you were even got exploited like idiots. This had been an executed minuscule over your intelligentsia and wisdom, where you had long accumulated. It won’t be funny when the providence swinging here, there and anywhere like swing voters lacking for ammunition.
If you play GTA, sorry since me in real kinda foreigner to the world of winning and no kidding, but if you do, you knew that you can’t put gang’s status into sad loser state amongst turves. :{ Keep on these tracks, you’ll wasting far more respect rather than gaining. Different to GTA, you push stars to full but in real world you lose your subtantial values.
Then no other option but to make the stars to cooling down and acquisite those rogueing personnels that had been on in this crisis escalation chase, and instead you push your ecosystems’ values to full, then you take protection money from them but they’ll be happy and gladder to give you and not less importantly more kosher profits you call that prestige.
And then when i’m back at my caucus i say that i bossed and reformated the Federal Agency.
That is still better than talking from a throne of lies. :{
Eh, i told Mr. Biden that Mrs. Harris is a dedicative staff beyond her average politicians, that apart of negative views from their people, and somehow he believed that or if not he kept her as vice. :{
New York Post on Twitter
You can put Omar but you’ll hear negative opinions over Tel Aviv’s maladventures. You can put Marjorie-Greene but she’ll embarrass America like a factory of blunders and more fit to reviewing American grocery prices. You can put Schumer but people of the world has allergy. Mark Gordon, sadly Republican, can make you looked puzzling but he’ll also...
making your look still competitive. Still apart it all the cyber problem. Especially in crises time. At police academy, Mrs. Harris was more fit to be papers, coffee and consumption trolley transporter but her rank warps the administration more genuine and humane.
Horribly none of them is idealist enough to oppose plan for doom. :{
All of them are Mrs. Harris. :{ But she’s more normal folks like Lisa Simpson. https://images.plurk.com/VJKGtfDmKt2VcIdjniKNg.jpg
Ah forget it. :{ Believe in your self. Because this is a sad world and parties and people are trying to survive.
Whoever did can vocal over Syrian ruins, that is genuine enough. :{ No idealist still ones of expertcy no democracy.
If Biden took Gabbard or Haley it’ll become team Knight Rider but that left one main seat where Biden can’t cover. :{ Though the Russians can like Gabbard better, cyber had been too rough while this also is into ultimate theatrical closing.
Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 on Twitter
I feel full of their spits, after i must be full as their chew. :{ And i’m not stirrous nor satan-enhanced neither all-knowing and bouts-promotoring.
But if this, then i won’t be as their chew again now and on. :{
The Gods Must Be Crazy 3

Gave twist to The Temple of The Doom. :{

- YouTube
And then they remake that as Resident Evil T-Virus. :{
It was better scroll without the Socialists. :{

“N!xau (played by bushman, Xi) found a bottle of Coca Cola. Since the tribe did not need it, he decided to throw it away at the end of the Earth. Will he succeed?”

The Gods Must Be Crazy - Alternate Ending
It’s hard-banished custom the graven image. ':{
New York Post on Twitter
https://images.plurk.com/7v6YN0HzMFGOSC9J0vh8wT.jpg https://images.plurk.com/5JUY60pJxJQlAu8AC0Cp9j.jpg
Rome’s legacy. :{
Rabbi is more like رَبِّي‎ (rabbie) which means “my liege,” “my lord.” :{ Koran juggled the title rabbany (rabbi) with barry instead, where barr means “make good.”
New York Post on Twitter
Eugh sorry it is birry (“goodness maker”), not barry (“wild”) like thing in the cult. Bāri’ (long vowel, single r) means creator. ':{ Rabbi translation in arabic is rabbany.
“ٱلرَّبَّٰنِيُّونَ” there means rabbinic. ':{
What’s up in the cult and how are the hoses? :{
Buzzers received much more than me. :{
But that made me to thinking to spare. Has no plan since the rapid flow, besides yep i’m not ready for sudden turn. :{
It had to be okay if only the parrots. ':{
New York Post on Twitter
Maybe they meant batting mic pizza since it is Canada. Ramadh[an] it self means “[a] scorching heat.” ':{
Justin Trudeau on Twitter
Kung Pow! Enter the Fist: Evil council?
You people won’t be able to get through life in Xinjiang, where there you have to scolding everything about you and yours and have to praising China and its Communist party like everyday. :{ I believe those Communists are somehow megalomanic. Those are the kind of people that you like to rule the world over populations. :{
You’ll only normalizing butthurts and establishing gangsterism for people with this all. :{ My world’s more like Mike Conforto where Agency’s team nail is more like yabba dabba doo rather than their normal world, yippie ki yay. Or somehow people’s more humane though the civs are jerks. ':{
Guess people were only learnt and adapting. So the worse reality that you make your client, rival, opponent or people get convinced for, it could also making their game adapted. And then they make their own sect and church. The more many the reality is, the more they’ll get convinced and will shape their own justification.
It’s not only less important to keep the cult wet with dirt and butthurtly victorious to keep their morales low this to prepare their heads to stay in jar, but more importantly is to reintroduce cough integral faith and the modern world normies to keep their quality stays high in production. Easy to say—while nobody would.
Everybody’s more onto the brown envelope of gold deposits. The cleaner a soldier is from lump of soil, the less motivated be ones to taking down a Nazi. When this became tradition, MIB becomes a commoner and the world.
Hmm 2023 or 0023. Yep, but MI6 makes it 2024. :{ Tribulation like bad clones?
“Then they will know that I am the Lord their God, for though I sent them into exile among the nations, I will gather them to their own land, not leaving any behind.” Ezekiel 39:28

But i do believe that has another version;
In Koran 82:16 it says “wa maa hum anha bi ghāibīn (and no way that they—people of the world—from that—the reunion day—within state of vanishing—like being not presented nor be there).” :{
The poetry’s style for the chapter is unique. At first lines they got ended with tones of “-ot.” And then it stops otting, started to people calling, ended with “-im.” Then “-ak,” defining jointish Creation. Then “-in,” included some higher beings.
Surah Al-Infitar - 1-19 - Quran.com
The translation for 82:5 was wrong. The real english was “(there) self will know whatever that ones prioritized [in ones’ life] and [whatever thing that ones] neglected (set for be last).”

Sigh. And that must be a trap on me, including to say this, while that single line alone had been too much as a lesson. ':{ While to you if that wicked agenda is...
your top priority, then Bronstein must feel so proud about you. ':{ Time had changed, and now they have Ronald Brownstein, while he must be crazy if he has to ruin this somehow still a better reality to be back into Soviet era.
':{ You won’t trade your cars with Russian kind. https://images.plurk.com/3BoH5U3LiZXKdNfDLxKOEy.jpg
It all’s trap. Sigh. And now we’ve been in this world. Congrats. And already this mess and wrong.
Also pearl necklace on pig’s neck, what in real the quotes were. ':{ Even the fake light disguised it self as wisdom, and liking for this to be tribulation? Like life is not already tough enough nor anymore survivable enough. ':{
Oh yeah, sure is. Look at your installed politicians worldwide. Fakes and thin in honesty, each loves to flip-flop. :{ And they wanting for normalization. Normalization is killing integrity and minusculing crises.
Maa ghorroka—over there “emboldened” derived from “ghurrur” means state of being fooled or wrong—means “what had been fooled/tricked you?” ':{ This had been too sad and too flawful state. https://images.plurk.com/3PYcZME5JEs3diMl0O0D8g.jpg
Elders died inside anchovies’ tin cans whatever been non scheduled in Puerto Rico. :{ Dismiss scheds and you’ll be good.
We all are creatures of needs while Lord the Merciful posses no genital nor need, so he’s needing not for textile pants nor for knot neither such kind—if thing has to be worse than communal kowtow or still has to be like batting Mike Piazza or worse. ':{ And we’re social creatures, we need each other including their friendliness, support, sympathy, warmth.
It’s us that does in a grave need for His veil and forgiveness—if not also gift. ':{ Maybe somebody will then won’t mind to loving us and as we are.
':{ https://images.plurk.com/2qJyMWK2UeXikJtQhqVtKK.jpg
Not too knight of the round, sadly thing is unlike Genesis, but more to be scattered in places with singular form (“Heaven; with rivers flowing beneath”). ':{
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom - Lockwood Estate (HD...
Oh but isn’t that marsh—to you quagmire—only happened to be Ukraine? :{ They’re relying on our corruptness and wrong steps but we’re free men. :{ But we are free men. Chicago Sun-Times on Twitter
To them the gehinnom is at Earth, while jahannam said to still be its own vast place—universe—but no way at Earth nor at space or if is then there had been be no more living at Earth nor any creeper. :{ Why should we be in this existency and got born unto Earth anyway? Hardly we can even tame our own self and after all.
BTW you’re not from any of those branches. ':{ If based over koran version then you can become also special. Like... rather than being selves-glorifying liberal traitors and spin doctors. But we had been these messes—and these are bad and discouraging confidence-killing messes.
:{ We have to take over the place again from those evil and liberal Caucasians and their Oppenheimer.
Manhattan Project - Wikipedia

The forgotten Indonesian island that was swapped for...

“Ah yeah. Ooh ahh. That’s how it always starts. Then...
And then we can make the Indians from survived tribes to owning 50% of Manhattan properties, then gradually we adjust the right composition, so we won’t also put people and owners unto losses. :{ Of course that is easy in talk only. But really how many Indian does profitted from Jeep Cherokee or Apache chopper? They even made...
the place to became a headquarter for evil villains to establish a world domination—something that sounds too antithesis in James Bond’s formula. :{
Even if, if God and or His Jesus does really exist today as common people and man, they and their Jews will send the noble figure inside cage together with Mexicans or even to Guantanamo, and they’ll send Hague to sue and detain God since obstacle onto their plan. :{ Just like old days.
You have to put him in Einstein hat but of synthetic feathers and head band. :{
New York Post on Twitter
You are now “sir dooming elephants.” GOP on Twitter
You’re now Raoul Besta. The Times Of India on Twitter
You’re Voyeuring Poole.
New York Post on Twitter
Voyeurism yellow sensational-based newspaper. :{ There’ll always be a dumber one for this all.
Things had been a little too much. ':{
Reuters on Twitter
Wonder is it Oliver Jonas Queen or the lasting chipping over Palestinians’ farms. ?:{ https://images.plurk.com/4GAhZ4AyVDPRNbbH4uaiy6.jpg
What will going on, Le Monde? :{ Will things be cancelled, or get replaced with like white boys summer camp and correctional center? Le Monde on Twitter
Mission:Miserable. :{
Not good, New York Post, but still you can not push a doomsday. ':{
New York Post on Twitter
Anyway he must be an antithesis to Arab like to buy another diamonds-covered limo when ones runs out of gasoline. ':{ In Scotland you make diamond from ashes and then sell it for a limo. Sigh it is mac yver—and not mac gyver. ':{ The SNP on Twitter
Not a custom for God’s believer. ':{ But to talk is easy.
':{ Ben Gerry can infiltrate Afghanistan’s markets outpacing Mixue. https://images.plurk.com/1MBXNFz4GNOxD6pxadDP1X.png
“No, they’re in Austria. We can’t afford the ‘major ince’.” — KGB Nikolai Kossov i24NEWS English on Twitter
:{ But agency’s still on and things aren’t okay. There’s no fortune nor getaway.
President Biden on Twitter
To even a camel can became a sir camelot. And i stay a stupid and crevice. ':{ https://images.plurk.com/1oEsaDltCUBeOBzReU1pLL.jpg
People need more loyal liberals, and like rugelach, royal, rebel, aches. :{
New York Post on Twitter
The Danes are a chosen bakery no gefilte can last. :{ Linux Kernel is also Danish. https://images.plurk.com/4ntOyNMkHiM8XSmozU8d8K.jpg
:{ They did trespass-test as land surveyors that time, but yep then MSG must be also a conspiracy.
China alarmed as chili 'conspiracy' heats up Indones...
I mean, they tried to implant harvest-killer bacteria via seeds, then spreadth safe-‘n-normal mysterious seed packages when it was up years later, but now then these MSG must be also within own conspiracy and agenda. There’s no point for China and Spratly and Natuna since we’ve got conditioned to become Ukraine and its Northern Socialist.
':{ I’m not a food nor your somebody.
Chinese restaurant syndrome: has MSG been unfairly d...
Eugh yea. But inland people can always be a cannibal. Le Monde on Twitter
':{ Idi Amin said to ate around 40 oranges a day while the photo was Jean-Bedel Bokassa. https://images.plurk.com/6DTaV2ze0SMFwtISu2fX50.jpg
':{ Consumption while Clooney even lasts.
President Obama among those expressing sorrow at dea...
FFXIII but France means death over faith and privacy. :{
BFMTV on Twitter
NSO was about to sell hacking tools to France. Now i...
Only grandeur and unquenched ambition. :{ https://images.plurk.com/ezWZbh5KuHzEz5zk2kIzF.jpg
If “bamah” to the Jews means “high place(s),” the radical version for high place was “a‘raf.” ':{ And things were only getting escalative. https://images.plurk.com/66cvsmltdw6nbD8PGHLHzf.jpg
':{ It’s suicidal to post these all. But maybe it’s fate.
Surah Al-A'raf - 58-67 - Quran.com
So it keeps to be wet from above and below people’s feet, which made no wonder for thousand of dead bayraktars. :{
Obama Told Aides, 'Turns Out I'm Really Good At Kill...
Should we send people to Abbey Gate, we shed the Earth from below. And we then lifted the plane, there we shed the Earth from above. ':{ And these, irregular wetness, they empower the Alphabet and satisfy our chambers. Things—though cunning and well performed—it’s still more like opportunistic game. Is this kind of reality that you want?
I posted that Stallone poster, moment later they made that Dallas collision. Meant they’re keeping cough commitment. :{ Those Eastern Socialists should to shrink back—whether or not would they be fit to Akihito’s role. They’re better to become your wood cast stocks of villain and villager. :{
In real i don’t love Tribulation nor especially as gala. ':{ And i’m not planning to mengsengnyengsangrayakan—so there must be another way that will be more better, will deliver us free from shits and bad states, and won’t make us as criminal nor sore loser. :{ Once a-bard and then population trim—now what.
:{ There’s also this Puncak with black terrorists that actively slaughtering newcomers that also dilemmatic to the country since long provincial freeloadings. Is it stupider diversion or not, things had been enough and too get forced like not enough intense. :{
New York Post on Twitter
The country been long sucking provinces. :{ And they’re many and not even somebody and single person—each do leeching over regional treasuries. The black terrorists used this to rebelling against the country and make their own reign, and they slaughtered a lot and racially. There are so many cases, diversion-free, if they love to fix everything. :{
It’s similar like to hide Jesus and his men from the world. :{ The New York Times on Twitter
Could alter the history but you won’t since profitually orthodoxish risky. At another part the MAGA go zealing off the guides and seemed also not profitual nor safe. Rome promosing stability, grant and bonus—and later power, wealth and rule over the world.
Asterix at the olympic games may you get it. The New York Times on Twitter
Also can’t say since it all’s systemic (highperformance) words—nor the antonyms. But sure made and last making problems and crises. Abusive, arrogance, betrayal, bloody, greedy, infidelous, kleptomanic, manipulative, psycho, sacrificist, sedition, trickster and such on.
New York Post on Twitter
Powers at your side doesn’t mean that the world is new. :{
Can’t say like not really in the performing. :{ Like words are nothing. That is also a minus side to become a liberal. But maybe less and much we can still make some arrangement to reduce the lowling qualities. If they are. Also—if you have the might for. You a gangster doesn’t mean you’re the inheritor.
In a cult, you’ll only make your own rules. CCP terminates corruptions and stealings, executed them death, but see it works trapping and plaguing countries and tooling opportunists to become its regional agent, making them a thief over their own countries.
Netanyahu is a master of gratification and freeloading to Tel Aviv. And like that Tel Aviv to Palestine. And like that Palestine to USAID. And like that USAID to its people. And such on.
This might is the luxury, if not also a property. At least to people lacking of.
There was this wind-tumbled grocery’s roof over 7 motorbikes, around three days ago. The photo at day at the right was from another event three weeks ago. https://images.plurk.com/9IjFBvRfmYnNlvlN0VFk4.jpg https://images.plurk.com/1IWNY5975Zr1ucQzT3BKyQ.jpg
“Awas aki” right here means “beware of the old man.” ':{ While “kawas aki” means “akind/a la/like old man.” The car it self was a modificated third generation black ‘82 Pontiac Firebird Trans-Am with California plate. :{
Pontiac was Obwaandi’eyaag, he was an Ohioan and a chief of Odawa (Ottawa). Around British war, english forces Obwaandi’eyaag to became Pontiac, he led wars against Britannia in the [17]60s. :{ https://images.plurk.com/6JLo8maa6fW32y9TvaOBfd.jpg
Later, the Capitalists capitalized Obwaandi’eyaag into General Motor brand. :{ Decades later, Paris infiltrated Siberia inside one huge brown horse, where General Motor immediately fired Paris telling him it had been long already a dawn of Auto Industry, which coincidentally prevented a colossal event of massive destructions. https://images.plurk.com/4CVOYQp8mLNzbOni4qpX2B.jpg
Between chaotic rioting masses, Paris sent one mail right onto Prigozhin’s heed—which ended his Siberian adventure. Soon it all over, they visited isle of Cycleop on their way home. A glimpse indicated that Prigozhin was survived and making his journey to Vatistan on a pterodactyl. https://images.plurk.com/6JcyoufQzSjyK5CXl5Tgh4.jpg
... from Air Leasing & Co. owned by Tel Aviv. ':{
Things had been big absurd mess already to be continued doomly. ':{ Sigh. With fourty seven bucks you can have a Chinese toxic fidget that will spin you at the night. ':{ Also with fourty seven bucks you can buy an oil barrel.':{
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Wobbley Bobbley 🇱🇦 Cromagnon Man on Twitter
Vulture capitalists? The Denver Post on Twitter I believe you’re even an orgies nest. :{
Denver Post Reporters Take the Fight to the ‘Vulture...
Denver is between saints row and cadbury. :{ That was why Kennedy must to be ended. https://images.plurk.com/3yf2nd46iJmeCKoxQ1WxVg.jpg https://images.plurk.com/w6QZyqzY9n9OEkPg2K9nK.jpg https://images.plurk.com/2b6hOtm0SuR5mdgfdBPWTj.jpg
Your version was Kevin; Macaulay Culkin. Once in New York and now Texas to become a separatist. :{ NEXTA on Twitter
:{ People in Afghanistan had been quitted farming opium. Derrick Van Orden on Twitter https://images.plurk.com/wOwvyYKvCxu0XCrawOaBX.jpg
If they are you, they’ll start to recruiting Americans to make a massive mess with your governance and they’ll called the retaliation party Al Megha El Jannata, or probably “the cloud castle” in english. :{ https://imgs.plurk.com/QCX/w7t/9V5p9UahaW5pB1vDYU3lfxIi0l9_lg.png https://images.plurk.com/7hxjdEL7tgFyIevAJfuwu6.jpg
:{ And Parler it looked much like Twitter? Reuters on Twitter
They got so many Ps they called it parler badges. ':{ https://images.plurk.com/3AOX8M2oJOoUzZFzdNIwIe.jpg
No morale no faze. :{
Reuters on Twitter
People are like the anti-Arab Socialist that lacking for cash. Pinkerton said it’s not charity. :{
Reuters on Twitter
Then Trump did his task right. Still the morale and state of general American aren’t improved. :{ More cunning, yes, more say Christal, nope. They did even flooding the place with Instant Americans.
Reuters on Twitter
In Paris, Republic symbolizes establishment and stability. :{ Then if you’re not wealthy you’ll joining rebel underground, making own laws and justificating looting. Socialism for both stratus were based on fortunation and a lot of “luckily,..” and not “Lord, our might be,..”

Reuters on Twitter
:{ It’ll be kosher after you wash it not even need for pasteurization. The matter’s still akind of “is this really the life that you want?” “Is this really a good choice for you to make?”
Reuters on Twitter
“Are they trying to trap you?” Of course, they are. >:{ Earth is like a grain of sand or pebble, only wet, and only it has to carrying lives like Mrs. Possum—while these all begun with impressum. Like angels’ bestowment.
Reuters on Twitter
Why the Earth is not a woman nor a Jewish woman—because people of all the livings are keep having fresh supplies on Earth just like the morning sun—rather than like died poisoned. :{
Once Mao stays LMAO—it takes a long time for a man to get changing. :{ Reuters on Twitter
And Apple boss’s widow is a friend of Mrs. Quantum Leap and now things are unto ICBM crisis. :{
Reuters on Twitter
:{ At here we used with goreng-gorengan (fries) and not sandwich. What peace?
Reuters on Twitter
Be right back.