So buddy will be trying not to sleep for a bit (until Chris makes him eat dreamless sleep chocolates), stressed about his loved ones also being punished because of him, not be able to use his magic when being a mage is what he's built most of his identity on...
He will help smother boyfriend in cuddles when he’s done ripping him apart with tough love re: “it’s all my fault” and “I should hover over them both because”
give me snow
: I will take either or both! Could be a good opportunity for Hawke to mention to Juno he's going to quit Catsanova too, though. Not because of that, because Fes needs the help at Guiltea, but also shit like that coming up in the moment is fun
because of him, not be able to use his magic when being a mage is what he's built most of his identity on...Juno's sympathy is low but Stephen's is higharound making Amelia a sopping mess with how much they care about her