My Knee
I'm tired cuz I had trouble falling asleep and we lost an hour but I'm doing the dance of spring joy that DST is here
My Knee
I absolutely sympathize with everyone who has to drive in the dark in the morning but as a former long commuter for many years, I will die on the hill of evening darkness being worse for my mental health than morning darkness, even though the process of shifting over sucks
My Knee
I'd be fine with no longer changing the time but if we had to stick with one version, I want the one that gives me a little bit more evening light during the time of year the days are short
My Knee
Clocking off work NOT into immediate darkness is so great!!! Love it
four eels
four eels
i hate the shift, but the evening light is SO good for my mental health
I AM PLEASED spring is here
YES the shift is terrible but evening daylight/later sunsets is so much better for me too
My Knee
if people work at a bakery or something where they have to get up SEVERELY early I totally get despising DST but as a standard nine to fiver this is straight up better.
Str8 Kaworu
My Knee
oh and location within a time zone makes a difference too! My parents and I are both Eastern time but they're 500 miles to the west, and the difference is NOTICEABLE
Str8 Kaworu
i always had to drive in the dark even not during DST
Str8 Kaworu
i know its being so far north but i need that evening light
My Knee
Str8 Kaworu : and the thing is, driving in the dark in the morning and getting off work in the dark in the evening both suck, but at least in the morning you have light coming to make it less shitty and depressing and gloomy