a girl in love
a girl in love
later today I'm going to catalogue his clothes cuz he actually has
a girl in love
a bunch now.
a girl in love
Shirou was going to fix the outfit he had that got ruined during dbd but I never followed up on that so he just replaced it. so if that is fixed and not bloody he just has even more outfits available
a girl in love
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EnVus5vW8AEN-VK?format=jpg&name=large I decided he got this one after Mochi stabbed him so he could go home to Salamander not dressed in bloody clothes and avoid being questioned about getting stabbed
a girl in love
so he has that as a party outfit option cuz it's def. more than usual for him. but that's if he decides to be contrary on purpose
a girl in love
if he goes along with the dress code nicely he still has this outfit from Belial that he has straight up never worn. https://imgs.plurk.com/QCV/jS5/hIAAuvrfcvNa5o0Tvii0Osx5ZBp_lg.png
a girl in love
https://imgs.plurk.com/QCV/w9R/UDu4H5ogFTQaeWrcmtDeJAA9JWM_lg.png this is the outfit he had been wearing most of the time recently but got stabbed in
a girl in love
so now the hoodie and the shirt he had under it are out of commission tho he can probably still mix and match the pants and shoes fine with other things
Gonna have to harass a rat
a girl in love
today I learned that if I capitalize my emote keyword by mistake it won't do the emote.
a girl in love
there. outfit inventory