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"Most of the community is nice" I say as I go into a Cutter's Cry with a mentor that refuses to move out of aoes and tries to tell me how to play
E.S. Levi
The members who aren't, though...
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Cutter's Cry is 38? Which means I don't have a lot of abilities right now and Allie is rocking low level gear yet. And then you get the tanks that pull a lot more than they should
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remember... I barely have regen
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And let's look at MP cost shall we?
Cure 1 - 400mp
Cure 2 - 1000mp
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I dont ever want to use cure 2 if i dont have to because if i have to keep using it, there goes all of my mp, especially with not a lot to begin with
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I do not have medica 2 at this level nor benediction or lilies
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Please keep that in mind that lower level dungeons mean LESS ABILITIES TO WORK WITH
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but this mentor (no particular type listed, just the crown) i watched stand in aoes that are easily avoidable the entire dungeon. Not because he couldn't but because he didnt want to
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and then he has the gall to tell me how to heal rofl
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Nevermind that ther are these few things I have going for me right now
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1) im a damn npc alt. Even if he isnt familiar with the Sorrow of Werlyt...
2) I'm literally wearing pvp gear and urban boots....
3) I do not have my sprout on. I took that off immediately when this character was originally made
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[17:20](Datachanger DedomenGilgamesh) Allie, you're going a great job healing! However, one thing to keep in mind is that fishing for the free cure II by using cure I. It doesnt really save you any mana, and just makes your throughput on healing lower.
[17:20](Allie Baelsar') cure 2 takes a ton of mp
[17:20](Datachanger DedomenGilgamesh) its fine
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[17:20](Datachanger DedomenGilgamesh) I promise
[17:20](Allie Baelsar') id rather not go through it all
[17:20](Datachanger DedomenGilgamesh) you wont
[17:20](Datachanger DedomenGilgamesh) you have lucid dreamin
[17:21](Datachanger DedomenGilgamesh) the reason I tel you is this:
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[17:21](Datachanger DedomenGilgamesh) the next pull you cannot use Cure 1, becaue Cath will take too mucb dmg
[17:22](Catherine KinsterGilgamesh) well.. true next pull is a bit clown shoes
[17:22](Allie Baelsar') Thanks for the advice but this is an alt :-)
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[17:22](Datachanger DedomenGilgamesh) However, I udnerstand it is scary, but any seasoned white mage will tell you that freecure fishing is a "noob trap"
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so first of all. Thank you for the backhand compliment, especially when you're the one not moving from aoes at all....
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I should only have to heal the tank, not the dps
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unless you do an oopsie. it happens
E.S. Levi
...........Melee DPS?
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Second of all, Im not particularly fishing for free cure. I do not want to use cure 2 unless i absolutely have to. Because 1000 mp drops quickly if i have to keep doing it
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E.S. Levi
SMN is a mobile caster!
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but i am taking free cure when it pops up because its free cast
E.S. Levi
SMN has no reason to be reluctant to move.
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Third of all, "you have lucid dreaming" Yeah well, I also dont want to burn through that unless i absolutely have to. I did not forget it exists.
E.S. Levi
Lucid Dreaming is for the spicy pulls where the tank is constantly taking massive damage.
E.S. Levi
Not for keeping stupid DPS alive.
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Forth, the tank will take too much damage if i only use cure 1? only because they're pulling more than they should and the next pull is a pull that most people separate into two
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so guess who had to use cure 2 and waste all my mana even after this comment?
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and fifth, "i know it's scary but this is a noob trap" rofl. I'm not new. You don't have to use scare tactics on me.
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he was a smn and thus no reason to be caught in aoes every time
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i get it if you're melee because you have to be close and it happens, but anything ranged????
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and that lucid dreaming comment. THAT
It's Cutter's Cry... This isn't a Savage Raid, dude.
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lucid dreaming is for "OH FUCK THEY'RE DYING" usually in higher tier dungeons
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never in a lvl 38 dungeon ROFL
they sound like a new mentor, but being an overeager overhelper
E.S. Levi
The earliest I really expect to have to use Lucid Dreaming and other emergency buttons is Stone Vigil, which is...the growing pains dungeon.
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so for starters as a mentor.... maybe dont just stand in every aoe as a mobile ranged caster because you dont want to move before you start trying to tell the healer how to do their job
E.S. Levi
Mentors don't have to be good at every role, they just have to be good enough at one to rake in comms.
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like I get trying to help someone who's new (im not), but the way he came across to me was very "you're not playing your job right. do better" rather than "oh btw you dont have to do this"
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like i had one dungeon where our whm was going through mp and mana like crazy in something that shouldnt take that much. and the tank wasn't pulling like a moron most of the time. and then i realized they never used medica 2 even though they should have it by then
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so i just made a friendly reminder to them since they were doing regen on everyone individiually that "Just so you know, you should have medica 2. it would save you a lot of mana if you use that over regen on everyone."
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and they responded back with "OH SHIT. I COMPLETELY FORGOT I HAD THAT. THANKS"
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which is legit honestly. they were a sprout
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i said its np and i just wanted to help them out a little
best response for 'splainers for me is "Wow, bro! Awesome. But I don't remember asking for your input."
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that kind of stuff is fine.
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thats basically it
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thats why i was like thanks for the advice but this is an alt : )
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shut up
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i dont need your advice rofl
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i almost said ":| yeah okay"
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but chose not to
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meanwhile this last dungeon i green dpsed 90% of the time and the tank never got under 80% health
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a low level dungeon should not have me using all my mp to keep the tank alive because that last dungeon was a standard experience (though they probably could have pulled more if they wanted)
Jesus fucking christ.
thats obnoxious as fuck .... sorry you had to deal with that
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oh im thinking of cure 3 that i never use rofl
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but still
Yeah, honestly unless it's Big Spicy Damage, cure 1 is fine through most of arr stuff
𝑅𝒶𝒾𝓃𝒾𝒹𝑒𝑒𝓇 🦌
like... i Get It irt "hey use Cure 2 over Cure 1 don't freecure fish" but also... you're in friggin Cutters Cry, your cure spells are limited and you don't have half the healing cooldowns you have at higher levels. good advice for later dungeons but not babby dungeons where ways to preserve MP are nearly nonexistent.
𝑅𝒶𝒾𝓃𝒾𝒹𝑒𝑒𝓇 🦌
"but lucid" - lucid's cooldown period is long enough that you'll blow through whatever you regained by spamming Cure 2, especially when people are going "ooh, shiny floor" when they shouldn't be.
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Spicy damage makes sense to use cure 2
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This is so well said omg rofl
𝑅𝒶𝒾𝓃𝒾𝒹𝑒𝑒𝓇 🦌
yeah. i mean, unless the tank is like "what are cooldowns for defense ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ" and taking everything to the face... you shouldn't need cure 2 unless something hits HARD or they do a bigger pull than necessary.
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Honestly yeah. The cd is a lot longer than what I'd need to use. Granted I don't think I'd burn through all of it before then with lucid dreaming but at the same time... It's cutters cry rofl
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Honestly yeah
yeah, exactly
and honestly, even at 90 cure 1 isn't awful? it's just you have So Many More tools
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I don't try to use cure 1 much at higher end but still use it occasionally
yeah, same, on the rare occasions I'm on WHM XD
(SGE is my main healer)
Oh geez... that mentor =3=; Yeah just cause someone is using cure 1 doesn't mean their fishing for cure 2. Yeesh. And yeah no amount of lucid will help when someone is constantly standing in stupid. (That said, ah, don't ever be afraid to use lucid even at like 1/4 only missing mp...^^b if you always keep yourself topped up
things have to go super utterly to shit to run outta mp)
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i use lucid dreaming plenty
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its just im really picky of when i use it rofl
ppl like that are why I never wear my crown outside mentor roulette which forces it upon you
I only give input if 1) people ask or 2) we be wiping
also the crown with no indicator means they're both doh/dol and battle mentor
the truest burger king
low level dungeons are a pita to wall to wall too. tanks have fewer cooldowns, some melee might not even have their first aoe yet...
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Ah even better
any time someone responds with "you have (ability)" it just comes across as dismissive more often than helpful...geez
even better when you're in sub-64 level content as an rdm and someone goes 'rdm rez please' like. wish I could fam, talk to the summoner
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Rofl yeah if only you could
have been told that in the Crystal Tower Raids lol
this is such a mood rotfl