[re4] I played the RE4 remake demo for like. 15 minutes last night. Died, too tired to start over, so I closed out and instead of going right to bed I was like

“Lemme boot up RE4 classic to see how the beginning compares.”
That 15 minutes of the Remake’s demo completely just. Removed all ability to play RE4 classic from my body.
All muscle memory evaporated
Guardian Bear J
Guardian Bear J
Guardian Bear J
Being super tired had nothing to do with that?
OH I AM SURE IT DID. But it’s one of those games that’s like. Instinctual.

I could’ve booted into DMC3 and done just fine. Go on autopilot.
Because I also booted RE4 original THIS MORNING, and it all feels wrong after playing even a sliver of the remake.
What I’m saying is

Remake seems pretty good guys I’m eating so much crow
Guardian Bear J
It must have killed you muscle memory! If you FLASHBANG that flock of crows, you get more loot.
Meanwhile I'm here firing up the demo, getting to the point where I see that the Knife has durability and am going -_- and going to youtube to see the gameplay instead because I'm not in the mood to play a Survival Horror game right now.
I get the feeling you’ll probably be able to keep the knife up in the full game by scrapping stuff together, I’m a little iffy on that one part and nothing else.
Some things in the options and how stuff is laid out definitely also has me going

“Yes they are absolutely doing RE5 and probably 6” for better or worse and boy. I genuinely wonder what the fuck they’ll do on those.
...also I still need to actually play RE3make and RE8, so if this one seems to be going way more onto the survival/resource management part of the series I might still wait on it even though what we're seeing is at least showing us they're making a good game.
...I'm still miffed they skipped Code Veronica for the remake though, if any game in the series still needed a remake it was that one.
...okay, looking at what I'm watching now I'm less annoyed with the knife having durability now if Leon's just going to kick barrels and crates open
I honestly will not be surprised if they double back to Code Veronica using like, RE4’s stuff, in much the same way RE3 was kind of a secondary more low budgeted side project
They really kinda need to before RE5
Yeah, it's too important, so I hope that's what happens.
And yeah that he can kick that stuff open changes that a lot. You just need to use the knife a bit more strategically. It lasts longer than I expected too, you just have to cope with a LOT more enemies at once. (Because his mobility is insanely high now.)
My relationships with the remakes and recent games has been weird. I don’t like the POV shift in 7 and 8, so I only watched LPs. I skipped 2 for a few reasons, same for 3 though I may go back and do it.
This is the first one I’ve been like

“Yeah okay I need this”
In so long
(Also for 7 and 8, I find Ethan such a painfully dull protagonist when the main characters in RE for me is Part of The Point)
Yeah, same here for 7. It's why I haven't played 8
Also had mixed thoughts on the RE2 remake too. It definitely tried to be more on the survival end than the original game was
...okay, finally saw a playthrough and seeing what the game lets you do with the knife justifies the durability mechanic for it.
err, saw the full playthrough of the demo rather. I can words
also RIP younger me's strategy for getting through that massive village fight
Yeah the parry shit is insane, especially on the chainsaw
I meanwhile caught the barn with the pinned up bull on fire from the wrong direction and got run over by it
I think more than “RE6 as a whole” I wonder how they’ll handle some of RE5’s more. Uh. Questionable parts.

I could think of where they could tilt the plot a bit to be optically better but there’s some stuff if they don’t outright remove I dunno if I wanna be around for the resulting fallout.
But I played that game with both of you here in this plurk so I don’t gotta tell you guys that
yeah. Yeah. Code Veronica also has some questionable parts that if they get to remaking it I hope just end up... gone.
I have noticed that everything about RE4R is “this takes place in NONDESCRIPT EUROPE” in official descriptions and even the opening of the demo, rather than like.

So I feel like that might be an indicator of how they go with things.