but yeah yostar fucked up on the scheduling from CN to global from what i understand - hypergryph over in CN began to merge their CC seasons with active events happening, but yostart didn't do that
so we had dead air for a while there and they had to do some rerun shuffling - Dorothy's Vision actually came before Dossoles Holiday on the CN side of things
eheheheh yeah, Arknights had kinda wobbly legs in the beginning for its main story, but it really starts to pick up steam, and I've honestly loved all its side story stuff
want to fuck up some enemies but your most powerful casters are at risk of waking berserkers by accident? Steward can target just high defense, it's fine
arknights is ultimately hopeful and persevering in its stories
and then sometimes you wake up to find it crouched at the end of your bed like a gargoyle
with a sledgehammer in its hands
lee's l2d skin when?