Math Mage
So far, Nico has...
Math Mage
Math Mage
Told one person to bite him.
Math Mage
and another person that death in dreams isn't a big deal.
Math Mage
oh, and fanboyed over a pirate.
Math Mage
pretty par for corse
Math Mage
oh yeah, and told Leo if he died he'd use his corpse as a personal fire proof shield.
i'm just realizing how close in age mei and nico are and man, the spectrum of young teen experiences
Math Mage
I think he's only a year older.
Math Mage
she's like, Hazel's age.
i had a moment of "nico be nice to the child" and then stopped and went "nico is also A Child"
Math Mage
so is Jason
Math Mage
Jason's only a year and half older.
it's true it's just funny compared to the youths of other franchises/genres sometimes lol
Math Mage
Nico: When I was fourteen I lead an army of the undead atop a hell hound
at some point Shinjiro is going to make a post like “how many of you are under eighteen” and then sigh at the answer