Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
I don't need people to enable me. I enable myself enough.
Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
TFW you go ".... Oh no.... Game don't do this to me. Don't give me the 'this is your muse' feels"
Weh allie
Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
E.S. Levi
Wraps her in bubble wrap...
a little cori.
I'm so excited
a little cori.
To play with your Allie
a little cori.
a little cori.
pls gib daughter
Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
Please do whenever I get icons for her rofl
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I'll prob need help with finding some rofl
a little cori.
It was too late for me to do anything last night but I plan to go on a screencapping spree when I'm home tonight
Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
That's totally understandable rfl ty
E.S. Levi
Aelienor will maul anyone who so much as lays a finger on that girl.
E.S. Levi
Then go tell Gaius so he can maul them, too.
E.S. Levi
She's been through too much already...
Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
She honestly has
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Poor girl
E.S. Levi
I kinda hope later stuff references the Werlyt storyline, so we can see how she's recovering...
E.S. Levi
(I may, in fact, have gone back to Werlyt after EW to see how people there were holding up...)
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E.S. Levi
I was worried they might have had Problems there...
a little cori.
Also when we do manage to get you some icons
a little cori.
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Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
a little cori.
E.S. Levi
(They were fine, by the way.)
lol as we had this convo yesterday ahaha
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Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
It's fine. This is payback for me pointing out that Alisaie would be up Tarei's alley rofl
..... /shrug
I mean the entire group of friends I played with kept calling me Alisaie and I just wanted to punch them all
and then you've ruined me xD
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Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
Pretty much yeah
Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
That's why I don't do the "who should I play" memes LOL
honestly she's right up your allie
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Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
Oh God I'm sorry I laughed at this LOL
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oh my god
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Be nice to the man
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He just lost so many of his kids
Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
Like this is kind of funny but also very insensitive
yeh that hurts a lot
i legit cried a lot
Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
legit one for the side quest stories I appreciate so much because it was written so fucking well
E.S. Levi
Aelienor very much would tease Gaius about his previous ham, but...yeah no, she was nice to him during the Weapons arc because the poor guy needed it.
E.S. Levi
(Once she was confident he was trustworthy, anyway. She did kind of hold him at arm's length at first, but she thinks she had good reason to make him work for her trust.)
E.S. Levi
I ran into an Allie alt on Seraph just a bit ago...
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Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
that was probably me
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Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
i just got off
E.S. Levi
.........Did you get a head pat and hug from an Altani Dotharl?
Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
.... yes
Sσиg øf Hσρe ♪♫
E.S. Levi
Yep, that was me XD