a thought I had like a while ago and just remembered again is the idea of letting go of the desire to have people be creative for you forever. thread below elaborating on this (it needs elaboration)
for example, I have a friend who was the best sushi chef I ever knew but she is no longer an active sushi chef now but I wish she could "make sushi forever" because it's so good. or an actor who was phenomenal in a show but later isn't active but you wish they would keep taking roles forever.
or a YouTuber who made amazing videos but decided to step away or pivot, or a restaurant that decided to close and you wish it'd be there for you forever. all sorts of examples apply but these are just a few. I think we are all used to wishing for anything "good" to "deserve" to last forever.
we think it's "a shame" if something good, or genius, doesn't shine forever, doesn't exist forever.
and I catch myself feeling that all the time and of course sometimes it IS sad, sometimes the person or thing in question didn't wish to stop so it's sad but I'm also interrogating the desire we have to "achieve foreverness" and to want that to exist for us forever or as long as possible
I'm trying to embrace that sometimes good things are ephemeral but like not in a woowoo way just like, yeah, that's a reality but it doesn't make it any less beautiful that the thing happened
just because a genius made an amazing string of animations during a two year period (I made this up, this isn't a specific reference) doesn't mean it's sad that they don't keep doing that forever etc etc
just ruminating